3-Finger Adaptive Robot Gripper Instruction Manual
Two different types of movements can be performed with the Gripper. The first determines the type of grip being used and simultaneously changes the
orientation of Fingers B and C as shown in Figure 1.2. This movement is referred to as the 'Operation Mode'. The Operation Mode is determined by the
user prior to the grip as a function of the size or shape of the object being gripped and for the task that has to be done.
Figure 1.2 : First type of movement for the 3-Finger Adaptive Robot Gripper: changing the Operation Mode.
Operation Modes:
basic mode
is the most versatile Operation Mode. It is best suited for objects that have one dimension longer than the other two. It can grip a
large variety of objects.
wide mode
is optimal for gripping round or large objects.
pinch mode
is used for small objects that have to be picked precisely. This Operation Mode can only grip objects between the distal
phalanxes of the fingers.
scissor mode
is used primarily for tiny objects. This mode is less powerful than the other three modes, but is precise. In scissor mode, it is not
possible to surround an object. Here, Fingers B and C move laterally towards each other while Finger A remains still.
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