External Tool Finishing Kit - Instruction Manual
4. Software
The following subsections provide instructions for the use of the Finishing Copilot software package.
4.1. Hand-EGripper control with Universal Robots
The URCap package contains many features to program and control the Gripper. The package provides:
Gripper toolbar: The Gripper toolbar is automatically installed with the URCaps package. It allows jogging and testing of the Gripper.
It is a great tool to try grasps with the Gripper while programming.
Gripper node: The URCaps package adds a Gripper node that is used to add a Gripper command. A node can make the Gripper
move to a specific opening, grasp an object and modify the speed and force applied by the Gripper.
Starting from Gripper URCap version 1.0.2, the gripper activation script command (rq_activate() or rq_activate_and_wait())
must be preceded by the reset command (rq_reset()). This will force the gripper's activation routine. Thus, if the gripper was
already activated, it will activate again.
On the Teach Pendant, tap Installation > URCaps> select the Wrist Connection button.
You can test the 4 presets by clicking on the Wrist Connection Toolbar.
For each Wrist connection node, select the desired presets. You can click on the Test button to try each preset
To make sure to operate the Gripper, set the voltage at 24V:
Click on the I/ O tab.
In the Tool Output section, select Robotiq_Wrist_connectionon the Controlled by drop down menu.