System Start-up Manual. GUARDIAN-WAM Platform
2. Software
This section describes how to test the different components and
how to operate the rover from an external PC using the ROS
framework. A set of simulation experiments in Gazebo/Stage are also
presented. The simulated Summit rover matches the kinematics and
dynamics of the real rover. Nearly all the experiments performed in
simulation should work with minor adjustments on the real robot.
2.1.Testing components in ROS with rviz
Refer to manual “System installation and configuration” in order
to configure the network and the connection to the robot.
2.1.1. Testing the webcam sphere
In a linux console, launch the following launch configurations:
1) Launches the video driver.
$> roslaunch logitech_usb_webcam low_res.launch
2) Launches the pan-tilt driver.
$> roslaunch sphereptz test_sphereptz.launch
3) Visualization of the camera images in your local computer,
you can run either rviz or the image_view node.
$> export OGRE_RTT_MODE=Copy (depending on the configuration)
$> rosrun rviz rviz
Remember to select /base_footprint as
Fixed Frame in rviz
.Global Options.
Figure 7. sphere image in rviz