Terms and Abbreviations
BP (band-pass filter):
dB (decibel):
F3 (cutoff frequency):
Hz (hertz):
LP (lowpass):
HP (highpass):
A crossover circuit that combines a low-
pass and high-pass filter to create a band
Bandpass section optimized for higher
Bandpass section optimized for lower
The unit used to measure the difference
between two levels of a sound or electri-
cal signal; a logarithmic expression of
the ratio of two such levels. An increase
of 10 dB represents a tenfold increase in
power. Doubling power raises the
Sound-Pressure-Level (SPL) by about 3
Decibels (A-weighted).
The point when a speaker system begins
to gradually roll off.
The standard unit of frequency. Mea-
surements in Hz represent cycles per
second, or changes away from a basic
state and back again. In audio, the basic
state is defined as either ordinary air
pressure (without sound) or its electri-
cal equivalent (constant-level DC sig-
nal). The higher the Hz figure, the higher
the sound’s pitch.
A circuit in a crossover network that
passes frequencies falling below a pre-
determined point and attenuates those
A circuit in a crossover network that
passes frequencies falling above a prede-
termined point and attenuates those
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