PowerFlex Digital DC Drive User Manual -
Publication 20P-UM001C-EN-P - July 2008
Drive Start Up
2. Access the “Motor Control” file, the “Torq Attributes” group and
set Par 7 [Current Limit] to the appropriate level for your
application. This parameter defaults to 150%. The drive’s armature
output current will correspond to Par 179 [Nom Mtr Arm Amps] x
Par 7 [Current Limit].
Par 8 [Current Lim Pos], the drive current limit for the
positive direction and Par 9 [Current Lim Neg], the drive
current limit for the negative direction, are set to 150% by
default. If necessary, you can change the value of these
parameters to suit your application.
3. Access the “Speed Feedback” group and verify that Par 414 [Fdbk
Device Type] is set to 3 “Armature” (default).
4. Press the Esc key until you return to the “File” menu and access Par
452 [CurrReg Autotune] in the “Autotune” group, in the “Motor
Control” file, and select 1 “On” and press Enter.
5. Press the Start button on the HIM. This will start the current
regulator auto tuning test, which could take several minutes.
At the end of the test, the drive will automatically be stopped and
Par 452 [CurrReg Autotune] will be set to 0 “Off”.
If the value of Par 587 [I Reg Error] is greater than -/+40, refer to
Manually Adjusting the Current Regulator Tune Settings on page C-26
for more information.
If a drive fault occurs during the tuning procedure, refer to
for a list of fault descriptions and actions.
Verify Motor Rotation and Run Feedback Polarity Checks:
The jog function (on the HIM or terminal block) will be used to check
motor direction and encoder operation. If the STS LED is not flashing green
at this point, refer to
for more information.
ATTENTION: Prior to running the motor direction and polarity
checks, you must provide a hard wired maintained external
operator accessible coast/stop push button to disable the machine
in case of improper operation. Uncontrolled machine operation
can result if this is not done. Failure to observe this precaution
could result in severe bodily injury or loss of life.
ATTENTION: Prior to running the motor direction and polarity
checks, uncouple the motor from equipment or processes that
may be damaged by incorrect rotation of the motor or speed