Rodwell ‘GEMINI’
Comprises two 125 or 158 litre horizontal loading autoclaves stack
mounted within a common frame. Loading heights are 535 mm and 1275 mm above floor
level for the lower and upper chamber respectively. Each autoclave is provided with
independent services connections and operational controls except that the electrical main feed
is via a common isolator. The controls are simple to use and the instrumentation provides a
clear indication of cycle progress. The
meets all the current U.K. &
E.E.C. safety requirements, safety devices include prevention of cycle start if the doors is not
fully closed, low voltage control circuitry, door security when the chamber is pressurised or
the temperature of the load is greater than 80˚C and a means of breaking the pressure seal
with the door restrained. The development of the
Rodwell ‘GEMINI’
has resulted in a unit
that is both easy to use and service.
SAFETY NOTE: We recommend that a copy of the Health and Safety Executive
Guidance Note PM 73 (UK) or other similar document relevant to the country of use be
read carefully and implemented before the autoclave is put into service.
Once your machine has been installed and commissioned by the installation company you
must be trained in the correct and safe operation of the machine. The installer should explain
fully how to set up and use the machine and ensure that you are fully conversant with all its
features, the position of water inlet stop cocks and the electrical isolator. He should also
provide you with certificates confirming the installation and calibration process has been
properly carried out. (This could be an IQ/OQ protocol document or similar alternative
approved documentation.)