MCX2D Operating Manual
Fig. 7 Connection to RUD-1 interface (low level configuration)
Table 4. List of low level parameters
Communication settings
RS485 address
Parameter defines device address on RS485 bus. Range: 100-115.
Default value: 100.
RS485 communication timeout [s] Parameter defines delay after which device will signal lost
communication with controller. When set to 0 then signaling is
disabled. Range: 0-64s. Default value: 20s.
RS485 encryption
Parameter enables encryption at RS485 bus. Range: [0]: No, [1]: Yes.
Default value: [0]: No.
RS485 encryption key
Parameter defines key for encryption of communication at RS485 bus.
Range: 4-16 ASCII characters.
Input types
DC1, DR1, DC2, DR2
Parameter defines input type. Range: [1]: NO, [2]: NC, [3]: EOL/NO,
[4]: EOL/NC, [5]: 2EOL/NO, [6]: 2EOL/NC, [7]: 3EOL/NO, [8]:
3EOL/NC, [9]: 3EOL/DW/NO, [10]: 3EOL/DW/NC. Default value for DC
is [2]: NC. Default value for DR is [1]: NO
Parametric (EOL) input resistances
Tamper, Alarm A, Alarm B [Ohm]
Parameter defines resistor for parametric (EOL) inputs.
Input response times
DC1, DR1, DC2, DR2 [ms]
Parameter defines minimal duration of pulse which is required to
trigger the input. Range: 50-5000. Default value: 50.
Output polarity
Parameter defines polarity of output. Normal polarity means that the
output by default is switched off while Reversed polarity means that
the output by default is switched on. Range: [0]: Normal polarity, [1]:
Reversed polarity. Default value: [0]: Normal polarity.