R&S ENV4200
Preparing for Use
User Manual 1107.2470.12 - 03
4.8 10 dB Attenuator
The built-in 10 dB attenuator attenuates the disturbance voltage emitted by the EUT by
10 dB.
The attenuator ensures the 50 Ω termination required to meet the impedance
tolerance, improves matching with the test receiver and provides a sufficiently high
ohmic internal resistance to ensure correct functioning of the pulse limiter.
See voltage division factor in the test report.
4.9 140 dBµV Pulse Limiter
The switchable pulse limiter limits voltage peaks up to 140 dBµV at the RF output. This
corresponds to a measured disturbance signal level of 150 dB
V. Please note that the
test receiver only covers a 9 kHz spectral component of a broadband disturbance
When the device is powered on, the pulse limiter is always activated and must be
intentionally switched off. This ensures that it cannot be accidentally switched off.
If the pulse limiter is switched on, the green LED lights up.
The voltage peaks are caused, for example, by
High disturbance voltages originating from broadband interferers
Switching on and off
Pulses from the mains supply
Fig. 9
Basic principle of pulse limiter