G A L A X Y ® A U R O U R A C O N F I G U R A T I O N A N D S Y S T E M I N T E G R A T I O N G U I D E
Section 3 Management
Main GUI screen page details and Quick Start functions
On your local computer you enter the GUI through the Mozilla Firefox web
browser. Once inside the browser, enter the following URL:
. This will give you a login prompt. The user name is
, with the password being
The initial web admin page opens. In the Webmin menu on the left, expand
the selection called “Hardware.” Below this click on NumaRAID GUI – this will
launch the Main GUI Screen as follows:
The group will expand and will show an item below it called NumaRAID GUI.
click on the NumaRAID GUI item under the hardware group to launch the main
GUI page.