WarMer DraWer
P/N 1011046 08/09
maIntenance (continued)
replacing the thermostat control
if the thermostat control is removed or needs to be
replaced, follow the steps below to ensure it is installed
correctly. if the thermostat control is improperly
installed, the unit will not operate at the set tempera-
tures, which would impact the quality of the food prod-
uct inside.
1. turn off the unit and unplug the power cord.
2. remove the thermostat control on the left side
of the unit if not already removed.
3. turn the thermostat Post by hand so the flat side
is facing up (figure 5).
4. carefully install the thermostat control onto the
thermostat Post so that the Hi, MeD, and LO
indicators are facing towards the front of the unit
(figure 5).
5. test the thermostat control by ensuring it can
easily be turned to each of the three settings.
6. Plug in the power cord, turn on the power, and
test the unit before returning it to service.
figure 5. replacing the thermostat control
Flat side
facing up