ROWAN ELETTRONICA s.r.l. - Via Ugo foscolo, 20 - 36030 CALDOGNO (Vicenza)
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Operations to be carried out when the CARD IS NOT SUPPLIED WITH CURRENT
To reach the micro open the silk-screened cover – the micros can all be found in the upper card
S1 Closed: prepares for 2-wire external turn adjustment potentiometer connection to terminals 6 – 7.
prepares for 3-wire external turn adjustment potentiometer connection to terminals 3-6-7.
S2 Open:
establishes the adjustment range of the acceleration and deceleration ramps, minimum 0.02 sec.,
maximum 2 sec.
Closed: stabilises the adjustment range of the acceleration and deceleration ramps, minimum 0.25 sec.,
maximum 25 sec.
S3 Open:
prepares the card for the connection of a 2-pole motor
Closed: prepares the card for 4-6-pole motor connection. In the case of 6-pole motors, it is necessary to
recalibrate the maximum speed using the P4 trimmer. With the turn adjustment potentiometer at
maximum or when the differential signal is at +10VDC, adjust P4 in a clockwise direction until the
tachometrical dynamo measures a continuous voltage of approx. 5.7 VDC, which corresponds to
maximum speed of 800 r/m
S4 Closed
S5 Open
S4 Open
S5 Closed
S6 Open:
Establishes a proportional gain on the speed control in closed loop which permits a maximum error on
motor turn variation from empty to full load of 2 r/m (only with trimmer P8 in the standard position).
S6 Closed: Establishes a proportional gain on the speed control in closed loop which permits a maximum error on
motor revolution variation from empty to full load of 15 r/m (only with trimmer P8 in the standard position).
S7 Closed: Further reduces the proportional gain (close if it is not possible to eliminate speed oscillations with the
stability trimmer).
S8 Closed: In the case of internal motor voltage limitation (current if TA is connected) with the P9 trimmer.
S8 Open:
In the case of external motor voltage limitation (current if TA is connected) with the potentiometer
or DC signal.
S9 Open:
Excludes motor voltage limitation (current if TA is connected).
S10 Closed: Excludes DC braking
S11 Closed: Prepares the RUNNING and STOP IN RAMP inputs for control by NPN logic
S11 Open:
Prepares the RUNNING and STOP IN RAMP inputs for control by PNP logic
S12 Closed: In the case of speed adjustment by potentiometer connected to terminals 3-6-7.
S12 Open:
In the case of speed adjustment by differential dc signal connected to terminals 13-14.
Exclude the tachometrical dynamo polarity rectifying circuit
(Necessary when a card is used in pulling or dragging systems for winders/unwinders)
The tachometrical dynamo polarity rectifying circuit is inserted and the card is prepared to work
with the motor in the 2 rotational directions without having to invert the dynamo polarity.