settings. In general, this option is reasonable only if you want to scan a special
area of the original.
: Select where and how the scanner shall output the original after the scan: Back,
Back hold, Front, Front hold, Hold
High Performance Mode:
When enabling this mode, in the Scan to File mode, creation of
the output file is already started before completion of the scan process by starting a scan
with the green button
(or in the Batchscan mode) so that throughput is increased
Direct writing of the output file during scanning is possible under certain conditions
only and depends upon the selected settings. If, for example, rotation is enabled (see
5.9), output can be started after completion of the scan, only. If the settings are
selected in a way that direct output is not possible, output is started automatically
only after completion of scan. Direct output is possible only if the following
requirements are met:
Either JPEG or TIFF are selected as file format.
The resolution is not 2400TURBO.
Mirroring, rotating, inverting, and automatic alignment must be
All margins are set to 0.
Scaling (zoom) is 100 %, i.e. no scaling is effected (not to a format
No Multiprint output is effected.
Load favorite "Standard" automatically after n minutes
: Period in minutes after which the
favorite "Standard" shall be loaded automatically. The previous settings get lost if they
were not saved in a favorite (0: automatic loading deactivated).
Settings color depth b/w
: Here, you can influence the color depth for output in b/w
mode which is hidden behind the color mode buttons (so-called
) in b/w and/or
gray scale mode. You can set the behavior for each b/w mode (line, photo, mixed, and
more) separated by Scan to File/Copy. By means of buttons 1. and 2. you select to which
mode the setting selected in 3. refers. You can select the following settings:
Black/white (1 bit)
Dithered (1 bit)
Gray scale (8 bits)
E.g. if you want to save the files as gray scale with 8 bits per pixel for Scan to File, select