TS4240 User’s Guide
407 Others
414 HALO Setting
Specifies setting a HALO (High Amount Lock-Out) limit to help prevent
large overrings. The HALO is a dollar amount limit that prevents ringing
up any amount over the HALO. For example, you can set the HALO to be
$1,000.00 which prevents a single entry of an item of $1,000.00. The
HALO amount can be up to 8 digits.
415 Cash in Drawer Limit
Specifies the total amount of cash allowed in the drawer. When that
amount of cash is rung up and in the drawer, the clerk sees a message to
remind them that there is too much cash in the drawer. This message
appears before each transaction. Clear this message by running a full Z
report or by using the PO feature to record the amount of money removed
from the cash register.
416 FC Setup
You can specify a foreign currency to be accepted as payment. You
program the exchange rate versus the local currency.
This is useful if you are working in a multiple currency situation and want
to accept another currency, such as stores near a border with another
country. When you are ready to complete the sale, you can press the
key, select the currency, and see the total sale in the foreign currency.
Enter the amount of foreign currency the customer gives you and press
You can program four foreign currencies.
Follow the instructions on the screen, providing the following information.
• FC Name
The name of the foreign currency. For example,
• Local
Your local currency unit to exchange against. For
example, $1.00.
• FC Rate
The amount of the foreign currency equal to the
local currency amount mentioned above. For
example, if US $1.00 is equal to 8.00 pesos, then
enter 8.00 in the FC Rate.
• FC Decimal
The number of decimals in the foreign currency.
• Currency
The currency symbol for the foreign currency.