11.11.1 - Foam in column
A layer of air bubbles that is concentrated on top of the blood column does not
affect the sedimentation process itself. The sedimentation develops normally
below the bubbles. However, too many bubbles bring about a shortening of the
effective blood column, which is a deviation from the Westergren method.
A layer of bubbles up to 5 mm: No message. Normal ESR result is reported.
A layer of bubbles from 5 to 25 mm: ESR warning 6: "Bubbles on top". Results
should be reviewed before release.
A layer of bubbles larger than 25 mm: ESR Error 3: "Too many borders found".
No ESR result is given.
1. Check that tube connections are not leaking.
2. Check the fill nozzle condition:
▪ Inspect for any cracks or deep scratches in the base that holds the fill
nozzle washer or O-ring.
3. Check for air in diluter system.
4. Check that the sample probe O-ring is not leaking.
5. Check transparent mixing- piece block for cracks.
11.11.2 - Pipette looks like zebra crossing
If this always occurs in the same pipette, check the bottom of the pipette for the
1. Glass may be chipped.
▪ Replace pipette.
2. Dirt, e.g. dried blood.
▪ Clean the pipette.
▪ Check disinfectant flow at the rinse nozzle.
3. Perpendicularity and straightness of the bottom face.
▪ Replace pipette.
If this happens randomly or with each pipette, check the following:
1. Fill nozzle O-ring or flat washer.
2. Fill nozzle alignment to pipette.
▪ Check the nozzle arm is tight on the rear vertical shaft. Usually engineer’s
assistance is required.
It also could be that there was not enough blood in the sample tube left for complete
A pipette which looks like zebra crossing gives ESR Error 3.
MRN-164_2-EN Version 2.02 Interrliner