13/08/2017 Version No. 001
13/08/2017 Version No. 001
5-16.Measuring AC and DC Signals
The Meter is capable of displaying both AC and DC signal components (voltage or current)
as two separate readings or one AC+DC(RMS) value combined. As shown in Figure , the
Meter displays ac and dc combinations two ways: DC displayed over AC (DC,AC), and AC
combined with dc (AC+DC). Select one of these three displays using the Function and Mode
menu. With the rotary switch set to V, mV, A, mA,or uA, press the soft key labeled Menu.
Move the menu selector to the menu item labeled AC+DC. At this point, three different soft key
labels indicate AC+DC (F1),and DC,AC (F2). Press the soft key that presents these two
signals as needed. While in any of the three AC+DC modes, peak measurements, frequency,
duty cycle, relative %, and period measurements are not allowed. In addition to these modes,
MIN MAX, relative.
5-17.Capturing Minimum and Maximum Values
The MAX MIN Record mode captures minimum, average, and maximum input values. When the
input goes below the recorded minimum value or above the recorded maximum value, the
Meter beeps and records the new value. The Meter stores the elapsed time since the recording
session was started at the same time. The MAX MIN mode also calculates an average of all
readings taken since the MAX MIN mode was activated. This mode is for capturing intermittent
readings,recording minimum and maximum readings unattended, or recording readings while
equipment operation precludes watching the Meter. The MIN MAX mode is best for recording
power supply surges, inrush currents, and finding intermittent failures. Response time is the
length of time an input must stayat a new value to be captured as a possible new minimumor
maximum value.
To activate the MAX MIN mode, press MAX MIN. As shown in Figure, the Meter displays e
at the top of the measurement page, and the MAX MIN start date and time along the bottom of the
page. In addition, the recorded maximum, average, and minimum values appear in the secondary
display with their respective elapsed times.
To stop a MIN MAX recording session, press
the softkey labeled Stop. The summary
information in the display freezes, and the
softkeys change function to allow saving
the collected data. Pressing the softkey
labeled Close exits the MIN MAX record
session without saving the collected data.
To save the MIN MAX screen data, the MIN MAX session must be ended by pressing the
softkey labeled Stop. Next, press the softkey labeled Save.A dialog box openswhere the
default saved name can be selected or anothername assigned. the softkey labeled Save to
store. Pressing the softkey labeled Restart while MIN MAX is running stops the MIN MAX
session, discards all MIN MAXdata, and immediately starts a new MIN MAX recording session.
5-18.Capturing Peak Values
To activate the peak mode, press the softkey
labeled Menu.Move the menu selector next
to the menu item labeledPeak, CF or Peak.
Press the softkey labeled Peak to startthe
peak recording session.
5-19.Relative Values
To activate the peak mode, press the softkey labeled Menu. Move the menu selector next to the
menu item labeled REL or Peak. Press the softkey labeled REL to start the peak recording session.
If the Meter is already in the relative function, pressing Rel% causes the Meter
to turn off relative
and display relative percent.
5-20.Low Pass Filter
The Meter is equipped with an ac low pass
filter. When measuring AC voltage, press the
softkey labeled Menu to open the function
menu, and move the menu selector to the
LO item. Next, press the softkey labeled LO
to toggle the low pass filter mode.
5-21.Hold and AutoHold Mode
To freeze the display for any function, press
key HOLD.
Pressing the softkey labeled AutoHOLD
activates AutoHold if the Meter is not in the
Peak, MIN MAX, or Record modes. AutoHold
operation monitors the input signal and updates the display and, if enabled, sounds the beeper,
whenever a new stable measurement is detected. A stable measurement is one that does not
vary more than a selected adjustable percentage (AutoHold threshold) for at least one second.
The Meter filtersout open lead conditions so the Meter leads can be moved between test
points without triggering a display update.