Thank you for purchasing RUBY XL HD.
RUBY XL HD is a portable, handheld video magnifier that can magnify an object
from two to 14 times its size. It has a 5-megapixel, auto-focus camera that
provides sharp HD quality images that are easily viewed on its full color, 5-inch
LCD screen. RUBY XL HD supports five default color modes, and 15 additional
contrasting color modes that can easily be enabled.
The unit has both an integrated fold-away handle and a reading stand. The
handle allows you to hold the magnifier close to an object, press the
magnification buttons for continuous zoom from 2x to 14x, and then freeze the
image on the screen. If you like, you can then make any necessary magnification
adjustments. This is ideal for viewing clothing labels, prescription labels, price
tags, receipts, business cards, and more.