Report № AIFN/0010/2018, issued on 10 January 2022
At 1224:35, the flight data recorder (FDR) confirmed that autobrake MAX deceleration rate
was selected, and at 1224:39, the Aircraft parking brake was selected OFF. Shortly after, the
Aircraft started moving towards runway 12/30 on idle thrust.
At 1225:32, the Copilot increased both engines' thrust above idle power and started a right
turn from heading 30 degrees towards runway 12. The Commander stated that when the Aircraft
entered runway 12 his sight was directed inside the cockpit completing the items of the
takeoff checklist.
The Copilot advanced the thrust levers while the Aircraft aligned on runway 12.
Tower controller was unaware that the crew had mistakenly turned onto runway 12 instead of
runway 30.
At 1225:40, flight ABQ213, A320 aircraft, completed taxiing and stopped at taxiway Bravo
20, holding point for runway 30, waiting for take-off clearance.
At 1225:51, at 20 knots ground speed, the Copilot applied a nose down sidestick input of
positive 8 degrees and within three seconds had advanced both thrust levers to FLX/MCT position.
The Copilot stated that while the ground speed was increasing, she was busy with the monitoring
the engine power and line-up. She then noticed and called out that the flight mode annunciator
(FMA) was showing NAV instead of RWY.
At 1225:57, 31 knots ground speed, both engines thrust reached 87% N1, and the Aircraft
accelerated from 1 to 4 meters per second.
As per
the Commander’s statement, he was busy completing the
before takeoff checklist
and did not realize that the Aircraft had turned right onto runway 12 instead of runway 30. He shortly
realized that the Aircraft was on the wrong runway but decided to continue the takeoff believing that
the remaining take-off runway available was insufficient to reject the takeoff. The Commander
“I saw the end of runway coming.” He immediately advanced both engine thrust levers to
the takeoff/go-around (TOGA) position. The FDR data indicated that this action occurred at
1226:01, 57 knots calibrated airspeed (CAS), and 63 knots ground speed, and 730 meters
remaining runway. The Copilot was still applying a nose down sidestick input of 6 degrees.
At 1226:03, 67 knots CAS (72 knots ground speed), both engines attained TOGA engine
thrust, 94.4% N1 speed.
At 1226:09, 106 knots CAS (114 knots ground speed), Tower contacted the flight crew
upon noticing the Aircraft rolling at the wrong runway. There was no response from the flight crew.
At 1226:10, 109 knots CAS (120 knots groundspeed), the Commander moved the slat/flap
levers to Flap 2 position (CONF2), and accordingly the slats and flaps began to extend.
At 1226:12, 122 knots CAS (130 knots ground speed) the Commander initiated a nose-
up sidestick input of 8.3 degrees that subsequently increased to 9.2 degrees. FDR data recorded
the nose landing gear lifted off at this time with a positive increase in Aircraft pitch angle passing
1.9 degrees. Simultaneously, the Copilot was still applying a sidestick nose down of 3 degrees and
maintained at this position.
At 1226:14, 127 knots CAS (140 knots ground speed), the slats and flaps reached the
selected Flap 2 position.
The Aircraft pitch-up angle increased up to 9.1 degrees, and at 1226:16, CAS passing 132
knots, the Aircraft lifted off from runway-end safety area at about 30 meters beyond the end of
runway 12.