Product Information
FM-Eco4 T is a low cost, low power consumption basic tracking device. It acquires its position with
a GNSS signal and transfers data to a server via cellular GSM/GPRS/UMTS networks. The FM-Eco4
T Series devices come in the following variations:
FM-Eco4 light+ 3G T (includes an internal battery and UMTS (3G))
FM-Eco4+ 3G T (includes an internal battery, IP67 certified housing and UMTS (3G))
FM-Eco4+ 3G E T (includes an internal battery, IP67 certified housing, an external GNSS
antenna and UMTS (3G))
FM-Eco4+ light 3G T
FM-Eco4+ 3G T
FM-Eco4+ 3G E T