Connection Diagram
5. Enter a unique Name, then Write to device.
6. Disconnect the micro USB cable from the BTC-1X first,
then cycle the power on the BTC-1X by removing the
CAT-5. Cycling the power will reboot the BTC-1X with
the assigned custom Name.
Important Considerations
• Disconnect the power cord to the controller before
making any connections to the controller.
• Verify that all connections and polarity are correct.
• Keep all power cords away from all signal cables to
prevent humming from induced noise.
• Choose reliable signal cables and patch cords.
• Avoid running audio cords or CAT-5 signal cables close
to house electrical wiring for any distance. If you have
to run them parallel, make sure to space the wires at
least two feet from the AC line. If you need to cross an
AC line it should be at a 90° angle.