Configure a Theme
If “Manual,” you must visit the “Add or Exclude” section under “Edit Theme” to add
or delete music to/from your theme. If “Automatic,” the PMA will add any song you
select to play while your theme is active. Music added to the media server that fits any
theme “Recipe” will be automatically added to that theme.
Add or Exclude
OK, your theme foundation is built. Now let’s decide what music will be added to it.
On the same Edit Theme page, go up to the Add or Exclude selection. Here you will add
or exclude various music criteria for your theme.
You can add items to your theme’s “recipe” here to build up its contents as you add
more music. Add or Exclude songs by Genre, Artist, Album, Song Title, Longest Since
Played, Recently Played and more. You can also choose “Add All Songs” to your theme
which adds
the SMS3’s songs to the theme.
Do you want to block a genre (jazz) or an artist (Johnny Cash) from becoming part of
your theme? Here’s where you choose your exclusion criteria for your theme.
Once you have selected your preferred music criteria, the pop-up window lets you
view more details, or Add or Exclude from the theme. For albums, an Edit Album option
is available.
Remember, if your theme’s
“Add Music” setting is
“Manual,” you must visit the
“Add or Exclude” section of
the Edit Theme menu to add
music to your theme!