11 — English
This product has been shipped completely assembled.
Carefully remove the product and any accessories from
the box. Make sure that all items listed in the packing list
are included.
Do not use this product if any parts on the Packing List
are already assembled to your product when you unpack
it. Parts on this list are not assembled to the product by
the manufacturer and require customer installation. Use
of a product that may have been improperly assembled
could result in serious personal injury.
Inspect the product carefully to make sure no breakage
or damage occurred during shipping.
Do not discard the packing material until you have
carefully inspected and satisfactorily operated the
If any parts are damaged or missing, please call
1-800-860-4050 for assistance.
Battery Charging Cable
Engine Lubricant (SAE 10W 30)
Spark Plug Wrench
Wrench Handle
Operator’s Manual
If any parts are damaged or missing do not operate this
product until the parts are replaced. Use of this product
with damaged or missing parts could result in serious
personal injury.
Do not attempt to operate the generator until assembly
is complete. Failure to comply could result in possible
serious personal injury.
Do not attempt to modify this product or create acces-
sories not recommended for use with this product. Any
such alteration or modification is misuse and could result
in a hazardous condition leading to possible serious
personal injury.