Automatic Backflush Filter F450
– 1.3
Georg Schünemann GmbH, Bremen
General description
The automatic backflush filter F450 is a versatile applicable, self-cleaning, as far
as possible maintenance-free filter to remove individual contamination of high
loaded liquids (200 mg/l) from natural sources of water (e.g. seawater, river wa-
ter), warming and/or cooling circuits and processes. The filter works already at an
operating pressure of only 8.7 psi (0.6 kg/cm
g) and features by a small pressure
loss at high flow rate, simple, durable design, high efficiency, weight and space-
saving design.
Technical description
The contaminated medium flows by the flange marked as inlet into the filter. It
moves through the filter insert from the inside to outside and steps cleaned out
from the flange marked as outlet. The flushing phase of the filter is activated ei-
ther by reaching at the differential adjusted on the pressure differential pressure
switch or after a pre-set interval of time. The flushing valve opens and a greater
amounts of soiling flushes out with the continuously flowing medium. Afterwards
the piston makes two strokes with the flushing disc in the filter insert, thus pro-
ducing an increase in speed between the flushing disc and the filter wall. The lo-
cal loss of pressure produced a ”suction effect” in the filter element. By means of
this pressure drop the coarser and easily cleanable particles are flushed out of
the insert liner through the opened flushing valve out of the filter.
The automatic backflush filter F450 is equipped with an electronic control system,
which monitors all functions and enables adjustment of operating parameters. It
starts automatically the flushing procedure, before possible consolidated deposit
the filter insert can lead to substantial flow reductions.
The flow of filtrate is not interrupted thereby. According to the operating condi-
tions the flushing time can be set over the control system. The flushing frequency
depends on the contamination of the medium.