Chunky Wooden Screw Fit Gate
Model: ST-CWSF
Safetots Limited, Units7,9,10 The Orbital Centre, Gunnels Wood Road, Stevenage, SG1 2NB, UK
I.1 cwsfg.b. 05.20
+44 1438 728888
* Use 8 x Screws - suitable for most wooden surfaces.
* Use 8 x Screws & Plugs
suitable for most plaster / brick surfaces. Drill Required.
You must install your safety barrier in a strong and secure opening and ensure the surfaces are dry, solid and clean. Make sure to
use the appropriate type of fixings depending on the surface available: wooden screws for wooden surface, multi-use plug and
concrete screw for concrete surface, plasterboard wall plug and screw for plasterboard surface, metal screw for metal surface. It is
your responsibility to ensure that you use the correct fixings for your surfaces / walls.
Assemble away from children as the fittings pack contains small parts which may present a choking hazard. Lay out the parts on a
soft level surface and compare to the parts checklist. Do not throw away any packaging until you are sure that you have all the
parts. Additional gates, panels and spare parts are available at