itoria-Gasteiz, on 01/03/2020
Technical Manager
Calle Urartea, 6 · 01010 VITORIA-GASTEIZ (Álava) · SPAIN
Hereby declares that the product: AUTOMATIC SPRAY GUN
In accordance with the Esential Security Provisions on the AnNex of the Directive 2014/34/UE.
To fulfil those requirements, the product meet the European standards: CE Directive regarding
machines (Directive 2006/42/CE) and the regulations concerning the transposition thereof.
The following standardised regulations have been applied:
EN 1953:2013, UNE-EN 12100:2012 and UNE 1127-1:2012
These also meets the following Regulations and Directives:
ATEX Directive (Directive 2014/34/UE) II 2G X
Protection Level II2G suitable for use in Zones 1 and 2.
“X” marking all static electricity is discharged through air pipes (the air hoses must be
It is also in conformity with the following directives: UNE EN-13463-1:2011 Non electrical
equipment used for potentially explosive atmospheres.
Full technical documentation and service instructions are available for 10 years.
In V
Enrique Sánchez Uriondo
- 22 -
This device has been manufactured with great
precision and has been subjected to a large
number of controls before leaving the factory.
The WARRANTY is valid for two years, counted
as of the date of purchase, which will be
indicated by the seller in the place provided for
this purpose, together with his stamp.
Once the unit has been received, please
complete the warranty and send this to the
manufacturer for validation.
This WARRANTY covers any manufacturing
defect, which will be repaired without charge.
However, any malfunction resulting from the
incorrect use of the unit, such as inadequate
connections, breakage due to dropping, or
similar, the normal wear of components and in
general any deficiency not attributable to the
manufacturer of the device, are expressly
excluded. Likewise, the WARRANTY shall be
rendered null and void when it is evident that
the unit has been handled by persons other
than our Technical Assistance Service.
This WARRANTY does not support any
undertaking made by anyone outside our
Technical Service.
In the case of any breakdown during the guaran-
tee period, please attach the completed warran-
ty certificate to the unit and deliver this to the
nearest Technical Assistance Service or get in
touch with the factory.
Any demand of greater importance against the
supplier, in particular compensation for
damages, is excluded. This is also applicable to
any damages that might arise during counse-
lling, while acquiring practice and during
Consequently, the services rendered under
guarantee do not involve an extension of the
warranty period.
Any device for which there is no duly completed
guarantee certificate in the files of SAGOLA
S.A. will be rejected.
The manufacturer reserves the right to make
technical modifications.