Hardware Manual for the PCD3 Series│Document 26/789; Version E 5│31.01.2005
Controls AG
5.3.4 PCD3.A251, 6 change-over and 2 make relay contacts 2A/48VAC .............. 5-36
5.4.1 PCD3.W2x0, analogue inputs, 8 channels, 10 bit resolution ........................ 5-39
5.4.2 PCD3.W3x0, analogue inputs, 8 channels, 12 bit resolution ........................ 5-43
5.4.3 PCD3.W3x5, analogue inputs, galvanically separated, 7 channels,
5.4.4 PCD3.W500, analogue inputs/outputs, 2 + 2 channels, 12 bit resolution ..... 5-54
5.4.7 PCD3.W6x5, analogue outputs, galvanically isolated, 6 resp. 4 channels,
Weighingsystems and Thermocouple module ................................................ 5-71
Counting and motion control I/O modules ....................................................... 5-73
5.6.2 PCD3.H110, Universal counting and measuring module .............................. 5-79
5.6.3 PCD3.H150, SSI interface for absolute encoder .......................................... 5-81
5.6.4 PCD3.H210, Motion control module for stepper motors ............................... 5-84
5.6.5 PCD3.H31x, Motion control modules for servo drives .................................. 5-87
6.2.1 Example project with PG5 and Profibus-DP ................................................. 6-6
Changing the battery on the PCD3.M5xx0 ..................................................... 7-1
Other PCD3 components (in preparation) ...................................................... 7-2
Address of SAIA-Burgess Controls AG ........................................................... 9-8