We would like to thank you in advance for the trust you have
placed in us by purchasing this product. Read this instruction
manual carefully in order to be familiar with its contents, be-
cause as much you understand and know the equipment, the
higher will be the satisfaction degree, safety level and func-
tionality optimization.
We remain at you entire disposal for any further information or
any query you should wish to make.
Yours sincerely.
The equipment here described
can cause important
physical damages due to wrong handling
. This is why,
the installation, maintenance and/or fixing of the here de-
scribed equipment must be done by our staff or
cally authorised
Although no effort has been spared to guarantee that the
information in this manual is complete and accurate, we are
not responsible of any errors or omissions that may exist.
The images included in this document are for mere illustra-
tion and may not accurate represent the parts of the equip-
ment showed. However, the differences that may arise will
be smoothed or solved with the correct labelling on the unit.
According to our policy of constant evolution,
we reserve
the right to modify the specifications, operating or
described actions in this document without fore-
reproduction, copy, third party concession, modi-
fication or part or total translation
of this manual or
document, in any form or medium,
without the previous
written authorization
of our firm, it is prohibited, reserving
of the complete and exclusive property right over itself.