d) Select
using the UP/DOWN button, then press RIGHT to
enter the submenu.
Select the parental level you desire using the UP/DOWN button for
discs with lock-out function or multiple rating levels. These are listed
from the lowest level (1 Kid Safe) to the highest level (8 Adult). Press
ENTER and input 4 digit password, then press ENTER again to con-
firm the parental level setting.
The level of 8 Adult is the factory default.
e) Select
using the UP/DOWN button, then press RIGHT to en-
ter the submenu. Press ENTER to make the setting return to the fac-
tory-set mode.
The parental setting is not affected by the default reset
The Default Password is
. This password is always
effective even after you have selected your own password and
changed it. To avoid the possibility of others using the default
password to set the parental level and change the password,
you can record this default password in another area and
delete it from this manual. Some discs can be limited depend-
ing on the age of users while some discs cannot.
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