NovaChat User’s Guide
Creating and using a camera
button 211
Evaluating an individual’s ability
to select buttons 61
Hiding 92
Hiding a button 92
Hiding or showing all buttons 93
Hiding or showing button images
Hiding or showing multiple
buttons 93
List of available actions 102
Modifying a button arrow link
Modifying a button style 95
Modifying color saturation 96
Modifying styles 95
Moving images to and from
device 91
Overriding a page button style 99
Overriding a specific button’s
style 99
Overriding a vocabulary button
style 98
Preventing double selection 136
Prioritizing 110
Rearranging 110
Resizing 110
Saving hidden button settings 93
Setting activation time 135
Setting auditory prompts 157
Setting up a beep 136
Setting up a visual indication 137
Working with button sets 111
Taking Pictures 210
Camera button
Creating and using 211
Automatic 183
Charging a NovaChat 10 device
Charging a NovaChat 10 or 12
device 32
Charging a NovaChat 5 device 26
Charging a NovaChat 8 device 28
Checking battery status 34
Viewing battery status icons 35
Chat software
Chat software version 12
Downloading updates from the
Saltillo website 215
Updating the Chat software using
Wi-Fi 213
Capturing button sequences 82
Configuring 79
Creating instructional materials
Differences from device 81
Enabling speech and symbols 80,
Installing 78
Opening 80
Overview 78
Transferring vocabulary files
between device and editor
Transferring vocabulary files
between devices using
ChatEditor 226
Using vocabulary files with 81
Cleaning and disinfecting