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Choose <Screen> to enter this interface, as is shown in Fig.44 and Fig.45.
This submenu includes two function settings, <Window Color> and <Backlight>.
<Window Color>
setting the window color
<Style 1>
the window main color is yellow
<Style 2>
the window main color is green
setting the brightness of backlight
the bright levels can vary from <Level 1> to <Level 8> through Spinning the knob
3.9.3 < RS232 >: Setting the RS232 Mode
Choose the <RS232> secondary submenu to enter Fig.46.
Fig.46 <RS232> Submenu
There are 3 function settings in the submenu, including <Baud Rate>, <Word Length> and <Parity>.
<Baud Rate>
Setting the baud rate.
Press the corresponding soft keys and knob to adjust the baud rate. The value can be set
as <600>, <1200>, <2400>, <9600>, <19200>, <38000>, <43000>, <56000>, <57600>,
<115200>, <230400>, <380400>, <460800> and <921600>.
Setting the parity.
Note that using <USB> and <RS232>, the local SE1022 can communicate with another
SE1022 or the PC. More details are talked at ‘CHAPTER 4 REMOTE PROGRAMMING’.
3.9.4 < Reset? >: The Lock-in Reset