SPS-500 Program Manual v1.31
P Mode Programming
Finally, proceed with the parts of this program that pertain to your application:
If you are using a kitchen video, select Kitchen Video Routing to designate the port # and the register
# where the video controller is attached. You can also define a backup printer in case communication
with the video controller is disrupted.
If you are using kitchen printers, select Kitchen Printer Routing to link kitchen printer groups with a
printer. (The groups of items are defined by assigning PLU items to PLU Status groups where groups
are identified.)
Because different registers might route kitchen printer items to different printers, each register can be
programmed separately in this program. (See "Kitchen Printing/Video Option Definitions" (option
#11) on page 114 to allow separate routing by register.) All registers contain routing information for
all of the registers in the system.