SPS-500 Program Manual v1.31
Glossary of Terms
The PROMO operation allows items to be sold without cost, i.e. buy two, and get one free. PROMO
activity will remove the item cost from the sale, but the sales count will include the promo item.
A receipt is a printed tape given to a customer as a record of the sale transaction.
Recipe #
A menu-explosion type inventory system is set up when PLUs are assigned to a recipe number.
Register Number
The register number is a programmable number, which prints on the receipt and journal tapes. It
identifies the electronic cash register the sale or report was performed on.
When a function is programmed as a stay-down function, it is valid until changed. For example, a stay-
down clerk remains signed on until either signed off, or another clerk is signed on.
Stock PLU
Stock PLUs track the quantity of the PLU item in stock. Each time the PLU is registered, a whole unit
subtracts from the stock counter. (Note that if multiplication or decimal multiplication is used when
the PLU is registered, the resulting quantity of activity will subtract from the stock counter. Stock is
maintained increments to the second decimal position, i.e. "X.XX".)
Surcharge (Item)
An item percent surcharge adds a percentage to the price of an item. This addition nets the PLU total.
Surcharge (Sale)
A sale percent surcharge adds a percentage to the entire sale.
Tare Weight
A tare is the amount of weight accounted for by the container or packaging. By entering a tare weight
(as required by law in some areas) the weight of the container is subtracted and only the true weight of
the product is measured on the scale.
Tax Except
Tax except is used to exclude the tax from an entire sale.