Operator’s manual
Bale wrapper
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The counter kit comprises of:
pre-programmed counter in a plastic casing,
revolution sensor,
bundle of wires,
multi-contact connection.
Fig. 11. Wrap counter L-01
Protect the counter against humidity, excessive vibration and hitting the cabin elements, and
especially against falling on a hard surface. The counter can be fixed using its back surface catch.
Protect the counter from water, chemical agents, direct atmospheric
precipitation, frost, high in excess 50°C and direct exposure to sunlight.
The revolution counter attached to an unmoving part of the wrapping machine operates in
conjunction with a magnet attaches to the rotary table which passes impulses to the revolution
counter. Each rotation of the bale counted and displayed on the revolution counter display. When
the programmed number of revolutions is performed, the counter signals the completion of the
wrapping with a blinking light and a sound signal. The counter may be programmed to a required
number of revolutions between 16 and 24.
Revolution sensor
Connect the counter to the revolution sensor using the attached bundle of cables.
Protect the wires connecting the sensor with the revolution counter against
accidental mechanical damage.
Protect the connections of the wires with the revolution counter against
accidental uncoupling.
Switching the system on and off
Press and hold (for about 4 seconds) the ON button.
When turned on, the counter indicates ‘0’. The device is turned off in a similar manner. Lightly
press and hold (for about 4 seconds) the OFF button The counter will automatically turn off after
about 6 minutes off after .