The 1 m / 39.37" distance may be modified if trials carried out by the user deem this
Using the grounding air hose, connect the gun to an air regulator that can supply
at least 3 bar / 43.5 psi.
Using the fluid hose, connect the gun fluid fitting to the pump. Tighten the fittings
Note: In some particulars cases, if the air hose (4) is not conductive, the fluid hose
(3) must be conductive. One of the 2 gun hoses (air or fluid) must be conductive.
Installation diagram - Air pressure adjustment with or without
gauge at the gun handle
Our equipment must be stored in its original packaging.
In case of prolonged storage, it is preferable to carry out preventive maintenance for all
lubricants before start-up.
Storage before installation
Storage ambient temperature 0 / +50 °C (32° F / 122° F).
Protect the complete unit from dust/dirt, water/condensation, moisture, vibration
and shock.
Do not remove the packaging until just before assembly.
Storage after installation
Protect the unit from dust/dirt, water/condensation, moisture and shock.
3 - P 1 : Pressure
measured at the
gun handle during
the operating (air
needles open)
4 – Guns, models
1 - P 0 : Pressure
2 - Air hose