E - 2022/11
Member of EXEL group
6.4.5. Procedure C1: Replacing the seals cartridge
Replacing the seals cartridge on the spray head side
Step 1:
Unscrew the seat casing using a 13-
mm pipe wrench.
Then remove it.
Should the O-rings and anti-extrusion rings
located in front and back of the nozzle require
replacement, remove them using a
screwdriver, position the new rings and new
seals in place while double checking their
correct location and after coating them first
with Vaseline.
Step 2:
Seal cartridge:
Unscrew the cartridge
using the tool (P/N # 900010160).
Should the ring and external seal require
replacement, remove them using a screw-
driver, position the new ring and new seal in
place while double checking their correct loca-
Note: The lip seals located inside the car-
tridge cannot be changed.
Step 3:
Manually remove the adapter equipped
with its joint (A) and high-voltage resistance by its
spring (B) and pulling on it.
Be careful not to damage the
resistance during its extraction.
Rings Anti-extrusion
Ring Anti-extrusion