At the end of Absorption Stage, it transitions to the programmed "EQUALIZE VOLT-
AGE" (see programmable range and defaults at Table 6.2)
It remains in this stage for the
computed time T2.
this stage is displayed as"e-CVe" in the Charging Mode screens
in remote Control eVo-rC (Please refer to Section 3.6.1 of owner's Manual for
eVo-rC at Appendix A).
The equalization current “
” is normally 5% to 10% of the Ah capacity of the battery.
This current is indirectly computed from the programmed "bULK CUrrENT" ("Io").
recommended under the Setting Mode for the bulk Charge Current, the "buLk
Current" (“
o”) is
expected to be set at 10% to 20% of the Ah capacity of the battery.
Hence, the Equalization current “I
” will be automatically computed at 50% of the set "bULK
CUrrENT" (“
o”) which will effectively amount to 5% to 10% of the Ah capacity of the battery.
for example, the Equalization Current “
” for a 200 Ah capacity battery will be 10 A - 20A. The
"bULK CUrrENT" (“
o”) for a 200 Ah capacity at 10% - 20% will be set at 20 A - 40A. The
firmware will compute the Equalization Current “
” at 50% of 20 A (i.e. 10A) or at 50% of 40A
(i.e. 20A).
At the end of Equalization Stage, the charger transitions to the programmed "fLOAT
VOLTAGE" (see programmable range and defaults at Table 6.2)
. this stage is displayed
as"Float" in the Charging Mode screens in remote Control eVo-rC (Please refer to
Section 3.6.1 of owner's Manual for eVo-rC at Appendix A).
Automatic resetting of Charging Cycle
The charging cycle will be reset to the bulk Stage of 3 Stage Charging Profile as follows:
- If the AC is reconnected or the battery voltage drops below 12 VDC / 24 VDC (Default).
Programmable range for this voltage is 10 to 13V for 12V battery and 20 to 26V for 24V battery.
(This parameter is called "fLOATING EXIT". Please see Table 6.2 and Table 4.4 of Section 4.4 of
Owner's Manual for EVO-rC at Appendix A)
- If the charger remains in the float Mode for 10 days.
5.9 SwitChing on AnD SwitChing oFF oF eQuALiZAtion MoDe
(4 StAge ChArging)
The unit comes preset for charging in Normal "CHArGE MODE" (3 Stage Charging Profile).
"EQUALIZE MODE" (4 Stage Charging Profile) is required to be selected manually as follows:
using on/oFF Push button on the Front Panel:
When the unit is in Charging Mode (qualified
Grid / Generator Input is available), the Green LED “Status” will be flashing once per second. Press
the ON/Off button for 1 second. The ongoing Normal "CHArGE MODE" will be terminated and
Equalize "CHArGE MODE" will be initiated. The Green “Status” LED will start flashing 2 times
per sec to show that Equalize "CHArGE MODE" is active. The unit will complete Equalization
Cycle and terminate in float Stage. At the same time, the "CHArGE MODE" Setting will again
reset to Normal Mode and the Green LED “Status” will return to 1 flash per second. To terminate
Equalization Mode prematurely before its completion, press the ON/Off Push button for 1 second.
If the unit was in Inverting Mode (Green LED “Status” steady) and the Mode is set to
Equalization as above by pressing the ON/Off Push button for 1 second, the unit will
undergo Equalization Mode whenever qualified AC input is available from Grid / Generator
and the unit enters Charging Mode. To terminate Equalization Mode prematurely before its
completion, press the ON/Off Push button for 1 second.
Battery Charging in Evolution