cables that connects the battery to the inverter, thousands of Amperes of current can
flow from the battery to the point of shorting and that section of the wire will become
red-hot, the insulation will melt and the cable will ultimately break. This interruption of
very high current will generate a hazardous, high temperature, high-energy arc with ac-
companying high-pressure wave that may cause fire, damage nearby objects and cause
injury. To prevent occurrence of hazardous conditions under short circuit conditions, an
appropriate fuse should be used in the battery circuit that will limit the current, blow in
a very short time and quench the arc in a safe manner. For this purpose, UL Class T fuse
or equivalent with Ampere Interrupting Capacity (AIC) of at least 10,000A should be
used (As per UL Standard 248-15). This special purpose current limiting, very fast acting
fuse will blow in less than 8 ms under short circuit conditions. Appropriate capacity of the
above Class T fuse should be installed within 7” / 178mm of the battery Plus (+) Terminal.
The fuse will require a corresponding fuse holder.
MRBF-XXX Series fuses made by Cooper Bussmann may also be used. These fuses comply
with ISO-8820-6 for road vehicles.
Use of an appropriately sized external fuse as described above is mandatory to
provide safety against fire hazard due to accidental short circuit in the battery
wires. Please note that the DC side fuse(s) inside the unit are designed to pro-
vide protection to the internal components of the inverter. These fuses will NOT
blow if there is an external short circuit along the length of wires connecting
the battery and the inverter.
Il est obligatoire d'utiliser un fusible de la bonne taille (comme décris au-dessus),
afin de réduire la risque d'incendie à cause d'un court-circuit accidentale des fils de
batterie.Veuillez noter que des fusibles de côté CC dans l'unité sont conçus pour
protèger les composants internes de l'onduleur. Ces fusibles vont pas s'exploser s'il
y a un court-circuit sur la longueur des câbles connectant la batterie à l'onduleur.
8.4.5 Recommended Sizes of Battery Cables and Fuses
Sizes of cables and fuses are shown in Table 8.2. Sizing is based on safety considerations speci-
fied in UL-458, NEC-2014 and ISO-10133. Please refer to “Notes for Table 8.2” for details.