EB 8389-1S EN
Set point deviation e histogram
Resetting single status mes
The 'Seat leakage', 'Manipulated variable
range limitation' and 'Positioner-valve link
age' messages can be reset by selecting and
executing the command "Reset 'Set point de
viation e histogram" or "Reset 'Short-term set
point deviation e histogram".
By selecting and executing the "Reset 'Set
point deviation e histogram" command, all
diagnostic parameters and measured data
of the histogram and the short-term monitor-
ing are reset.
By selecting and executing the command
"Reset 'Short-term set point deviation e histo
gram", the diagnostic parameters and mea-
sured data in the
Short-term monitoring
folder are reset.
Diagnostics > Service/maintenance > Reset
Reset 'Set point deviation histogram e'
Reset 'Short-term set point deviation e histo