Starting the unit in hot water mode
To start the unit in hot water mode press DHW on/off button in the top right
of the controller to start the unit. If done correctly, the tap symbol appears with
dots next to it, press the mode button until you have 2 dots, by doing so it will
activate the immersion heater after the preset time in the field settings.
To alter the cylinder target temperature, press the oval set button and press the
+ button until 48°C shows. The heat pump will start up in hot water mode
when the cylinder drops to 43°C or lower and will heat until 50°C.
Note that the compressor will not start for up to 6 minutes, pressing buttons may
delay this. When it is in hot water heating mode then you will be able to see the
can looking symbol on the controller.
Run test in hot water mode
Whilst in hot water mode, check the the two port valves are arranged so that the fluid is flowing through the coil in the cylinder. To make sure that you have
a gain in the cylinder, mark down the current temperature in the cylinder by pressing the oval view button.
After 15-20 minutes, take a look again at the temperature inside the cylinder, you should have a rise in temperature from earlier, if no gain has occurred,
check the location of the blue sensor. If the heat pump is running normally then it will be able to increase the temperature to 48°C.
Insufficient hot water.
In a heat pump system, the hot water temperature is lower than a conventional boiler system. With this in mind you will need to check that there are no
mixers on the circuits for baths and/or showers that will lower this temperature even further.
To check that there is no heat lost, use a thermometer at the bath or shower and make sure that the temperature is the same as what it is in the cylinder. If
the temperature is lower then you will need to adjust any mixers on the system.
Don’t raise the cylinder target temperature to compensate for any losses.