background image

pages onto a printable scrap board in your browser window,

all while you surf the web. It’s an easy way to collect,

arrange, and edit useful reference points and resources you

can only find on the web for big projects – or even just for


One less noisy office distraction

You shouldn’t have to struggle to hear yourself think while

sitting at your own desk. That’s why the Samsung CLX-

3185N is engineered to operate quietly, at only 46dBA

(Colour) and 48dBA (Mono), while printing. That’s less than

the gentle hum of a running refrigerator! A desktop printer

that does its job while letting you focus on yours.

A soft approach to energy efficiency

In today’s green office environment, there’s simply no room

for energy-hogging printers. That’s why the Samsung CLX-

3185N features an easy-to-reach power button right on the

control panel, so you can switch to an energy-saving standby

mode at the push of a button. Want to print? Just press the

button again to power back up, and you’re ready to go.

Also, with toner particles that are smaller and more uniform

in shape than traditional toner particles, you’ll be impressed

with accurate colours and beautiful, glossy printouts.

Lessen your wait, not your expectations

Quit losing productivity waiting around for your documents to

print – the Samsung CLX-3185N’s fast print speed (16ppm

for mono, 4ppm for colour) will have you back to work in no

time. In Ready Mode, the CLX-3185N features a First Page

Output Time (FPOT) of only 14seconds for black and

26seconds for colour, satisfying your need for speed. An

impressive 2400 x 600dpi print resolution satisfies your

demand for quality.

Connect with your colleagues

Connect your entire office to one network and keep

everything running smoothly. They can share a common

printer and you can save time by supporting only one

machine. The Ethernet interface can increase your

performance by allowing you to network your printer.

Improve your communication skills with the CLX-3185N

network laser printer and reduce the burden of supporting

multiple machines.
