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© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
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Basic Announcement
IPX-S300B provides basic announcement messages on users such as ‘The dialed number
you have dialed is not in service’, and additional services such as notification for the user
being unavailable to answer the call, Music On Hold, etc. by using the Built-In MOH
Computer Telephony Interface (CTI)
CTI provides call control and event reporting functions through IPX-S300B CSTA
(Computer Supported Telephony Application) interface.
Digit Analysis and Numbering Plan
The digit analysis function is a process of deciding how to handle the incoming call by
analyzing the digits dialed. When a call is generated, it first compares the digits dialed with
DN (Directory Number) list of the user. If two numbers match, then the system recognizes
the call as an internal call. And if not, the system compares again the dialed number with
access code for call routing. If the two numbers match, the system considers it as a service
call. And if not, the system compares again the dialed number with access code for call
routing. If the dialed digits correspond to the call routing access code, then the call is
handled according to the call routing procedures. If the dialed digits don’t match any of
mentioned numbers, then the system considers it as an incorrectly made call and rejects the
Fax over IP
IPX-S300B supports SIP signaling regarding T.38 Fax.
IPX-S300B supports INFO method, NOTIFY method, and RFC2833 to either send or
receive DTMF event to/from a user terminal or Voice Gateway system.
Privacy operates as a defensive function against DND Override and Barge In services.
When the user’s Privacy level is higher than the Override level of the other users who
attempt DND Override or Barge In, both DND Override and Barge In do not occur.
Survivable Telephony Support
IPX-S300B supports the Survivable Telephony function provided in Voice Gateway.