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© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd. 

7)    You may place library facilities that are a work based on the Library side-by-side in a single library together with other library facilities not 

covered by this License, and distribute such a combined library, provided that the separate distribution of the work based on the Library 
and of the other library facilities is otherwise permitted, and provided that you do these two things:   
(a)    Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities. 

This must be distributed under the terms of the Sections above.   

(b)    Give prominent notice with the combined library of the fact that part of it is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to 

find the accompanying uncombined form of the same work.   

8)    You may not copy, modify, sublicense, link with, or distribute the Library except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt 

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License. However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under this License will not have their licenses terminated so long 
as such parties remain in full compliance.   

9)    You are not required to accept this License, since you have not signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or 

distribute the Library or its derivative works. These actions are prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by 
modifying or distributing the Library (or any work based on the Library), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and all its 
terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying the Library or works based on it.   

10)    Each time you redistribute the Library (or any work based on the Library), the recipient automatically receives a license from the original 

licensor to copy, distribute, link with or modify the Library subject to these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further 
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this License.   

11)    If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues), 

conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not 
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this License 
and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you may not distribute the Library at all. For example, if a patent license would 
not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Library by all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then the only way 
you could satisfy both it and this License would be to refrain entirely from distribution of the Library. If any portion of this section is held 
invalid or unenforceable under any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to apply, and the section as a whole is 
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make thoroughly clear what is believed to be a consequence of the rest of this License.   

12)    If the distribution and/or use of the Library is restricted in certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the original 

copyright holder who places the Library under this License may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding those 
countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates the 
limitation as if written in the body of this License.   

13)    The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such 

new versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.   
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Library specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and 
“any later version”, you have the option of following the terms and conditions either of that version or of any later version published by 
the Free Software Foundation. If the Library does not specify a license version number, you may choose any version ever published by 
the Free Software Foundation.   

14)    If you wish to incorporate parts of the Library into other free programs whose distribution conditions are incompatible with these, write to 

the author to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free Software Foundation, write to the Free Software 
Foundation; we sometimes make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals of preserving the free status of all 
derivatives of our free software and of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.   










Summary of Contents for OfficeServ 7070

Page 1: ...GABD 000286 Ed 01 OfficeServ 7070 System Description ...

Page 2: ...s from other types of wastes and recycle it responsibly to promote the sustainable reuse of material resources Household users should contact either the retailer where they purchased this product or their local government office for details of where and how they can take this item for environmentally safe recycling Business users should contact their supplier and check the terms and conditions of ...

Page 3: ...70 Introduces Hardware features cabinet composition boards by functions and configuration of OfficeServ 7070 In addition this chapter describes various stations wireless equipment and additional equipment available for OfficeServ 7070 CHAPTER 3 Specification of OfficeServ 7070 Introduces the detailed standards such as system capacity electrical standards power standards ring and tone equipment spe...

Page 4: ...s preceded by an icon and or a bold title CAUTION Provides information or instructions that the reader should follow in order to avoid a service failure or damage to the system NOTE Indicates additional information as a reference Reference OfficeServ 7070 Installation Manual This manual describes the prerequisite for the installation of the OfficeServ 7070 system as well as how to install inspect ...

Page 5: ... VoIP Components 1 5 1 3 Programming 1 5 CHAPTER 2 Hardware of OfficeServ 7070 2 1 2 1 Features of Hardware 2 1 2 2 Cabinet Configuration 2 3 2 2 1 Cabinet View 2 3 2 2 2 Slot Configuration 2 5 2 3 Boards by Functions 2 6 2 3 1 Control Board 2 6 2 3 2 Voice Trunk Board 2 13 2 3 3 Voice Station Board 2 18 2 4 Station Phones 2 23 2 4 1 Regular Phones 2 23 2 4 2 Digital Phones 2 23 2 4 3 IP Phones 2 ...

Page 6: ... Subscriber Line Capacity 3 2 3 1 3 Channel Capacity 3 3 3 2 Electrical Specification 3 4 3 2 1 Signal Specification 3 4 3 2 2 Transmission Characteristics 3 6 3 2 3 Line Conditions 3 6 3 3 Power Specification 3 7 3 3 1 OfficeServ 7070 System Power 3 7 3 4 Rings and Tones 3 8 3 4 1 Ring Cycles 3 8 3 4 2 Tones 3 8 3 5 Available Terminals 3 9 CHAPTER 4 Functions of OfficeServ 7070 4 1 4 1 Call Funct...

Page 7: ...em Hold 4 3 4 2 14 Do Not Disturb DND 4 4 4 2 15 Call Reservation 4 4 4 3 VMS Function 4 4 4 3 1 System Features 4 4 4 3 2 Auto Attendant 4 6 4 3 3 Access Manager 4 8 4 3 4 Voice Mail Features 4 11 4 3 5 Administration Features 4 20 4 3 6 Voice Form Questionnaire Features 4 21 4 3 7 E mail Gate Way Function 4 22 4 3 8 Simple Auto Relay Function 4 22 4 4 Web Management 4 23 4 4 1 Web Management Fun...

Page 8: ... 2 14 Figure 2 8 4TRM Board 2 16 Figure 2 9 2BRM Board Appearance 2 17 Figure 2 10 4SL2 Board 2 18 Figure 2 11 4DLM Board 2 19 Figure 2 12 E8S Board 2 21 Figure 2 13 E8S Line Connection Part 2 22 Figure 2 14 Regular Phone 2 23 Figure 2 15 DS 24SE 2 23 Figure 2 16 DS 2024E 2 24 Figure 2 17 DS 3020S 2 24 Figure 2 18 DS 4028D 2 25 Figure 2 19 DS 5012L 2 25 Figure 2 20 DS 5014D 2 26 Figure 2 21 DS 502...

Page 9: ...nfiguration 2 14 Table 2 11 4SL2 Board Configuration 2 18 Table 2 12 4DLM Board Configuration 2 19 Table 2 13 E8S Board Configuration 2 21 Table 2 14 E8S Ports for External Connections 2 22 Table 2 15 AOM Type 2 28 Table 3 1 OfficeServ 7070 Line Capacity 3 1 Table 3 2 OfficeServ 7070 System Capacity 3 2 Table 3 3 Trunk Line Capacity 3 2 Table 3 4 Station Line Capacity 3 2 Table 3 5 Channel Capacit...

Page 10: ...Ошибка Используйте вкладку Главная для применения 제목 7 제목 7_목차 к тексту который должен здесь отображаться VIII SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd This page is intentionally left blank ...

Page 11: ...dules as well as the voice call function Users can conveniently communicate by using wireless wired integration platforms Telephones PCs Wireless Phones and peripherals function Next Generation Platform The OfficeServ 7070 provides through an IP based feature server a pure IP solution where the mail server Session Initiation Protocol SIP server and Voice Messaging System VMS function The IP based ...

Page 12: ...ns are used for OfficeServ 7070 A Variety of Application Solutions OfficeServ 7070 offers a variety of application solutions such as OfficeServ News OfficeServ EasySet Internet Call Center R NMS Voice Mail System Integrated Fax Server and Digital Integrated Recording Systems Integrated and Application Solution Integrated means that OfficeServ 7070 system inter works with an external solution serve...

Page 13: ...d Extended 8SLI Board are designed to allow the user to mount various option boards onto them The service configuration diagram of OfficeServ 7070 system is shown in the figure below Figure 1 1 Configuration of OfficeServ 7070 Service Voice Trunk Part The voice trunk part is composed of digital and analog trunks The PRI Module PRM provides the Primary Rate Interface PRI digital trunk function send...

Page 14: ...le 4DLM 4 Port DLI Module 4TRM 4 Port Trunk Module 4SL2 4 Port SLI Module 2BRM BRI ISDN interface Module Voice Application Service Part The voice application module is composed of the Voice over Internet Protocol VoIP which transmits voices to the data network and the Wireless Local Area Network WLAN which transmits voices wirelessly The Media Gateway Interface MGI refers to the application that c...

Page 15: ...ized into three levels which are technician operator and subscriber Depending on these levels some MMCs can be programmed by the subscribers while some MMCs cannot A password is required for technician level programming or operator level programming however a password is not required for subscriber level programming Technician Level Programming All programs are programmable Programming can be made...

Page 16: ...CHAPTER 1 Ошибка Используйте вкладку Главная для применения 제목 1 к тексту который должен здесь отображаться 1 6 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd This page is intentionally left blank ...

Page 17: ...erials OfficeServ 7070 hardware does not generate poisonous or corrosive gas which might be harmful for human bodies or affect the system operation OfficeServ 7070 hardware has a failure tolerance to protect the system from the damage caused by over voltage OfficeServ 7070 hardware is designed considering EMI characteristics Maintenance OfficeServ 7070 hardware is designed to be maintained with ea...

Page 18: ... parts to protect the hardware from fire OfficeServ 7070 hardware is designed not to affect system performance due to heat generated from inside of the system A specific heat generated part of the hardware is blocked in order not to affect temperature sensitive components The parts installed into the modules are located on the basis of heat distribution A 60 mm cooling fan is installed which makes...

Page 19: ...ber option boards are mounted onto the BMP MAIN part BMP B8S part and E8S The following sections show the appearance of the OfficeServ 7070 system cabinet OfficeServ 7070 top view Figure 2 1 OfficeServ 7070 Top View The descriptions about each part are listed in the table below Table 2 1 Parts on the top of OfficeServ 7070 Part Function RUN LED CPU operation status LAN LED LAN operation status MEM...

Page 20: ...und lug for system communications Power Switch Switch to turn the OfficeServ 7070 on off Power Connector Connector to use when connecting to the power cable Figure 2 3 OfficeServ 7070 side view 2 The descriptions about each part are listed in the table below Table 2 3 Parts on the side of OfficeServ 7070 2 Part Function LAN LAN port SIO Debugging port MISC Connector used to connect to an external ...

Page 21: ...oard The option boards that can be mounted within the OfficeServ 7070 depending on its configuration are listed in the table below Table 2 4 Mountable Boards for Different Slots Cabinet Module Slot Mountable Board Basic Cabinet BMP MAIN Part LOC1 PRM 4DLM 4SL2 LOC2 4DLM 4SL2 LOC3 Modem BMP B8S Part LOC1 4TRM 4DLM 4SL2 2BRM LOC2 4TRM 4DLM 4SL2 2BRM LOC3 4TRM 4DLM 4SL2 2BRM Optional Cabinet E8S LOC1...

Page 22: ...block of the system is located in the MAIN part The subscriber block is located in the B8S part 2 3 1 1 BMP MAIN Part The BMP MAIN part is the control board that controls the main functions of the OfficeServ 7070 and is installed in the system by default It performs the voice switching signal processing subscriber terminal management VoIP processing and VM AA processing functions etc In addition i...

Page 23: ...z Package 484 Ball FPBGA SDRAM For Program and Data Capacity 128 MB 32 MB 4 EA Width of Data Bus 32 Bit NAND For Program Db Voice Backup Capacity 1 GB K9G8G08U0A Width of Data Bus 8 bit Flash ROM For Booting Capacity 0 5 MB SST39VF040 Width of Data Bus 8 bit Time Switch Device STC9604 Basic Switch 256 256 Channel Width of Data Bus 8 Bit RTC Device RTC8564 Back UP Time 10 Days Interface I2C EEPROM ...

Page 24: ...s the operation status of the system Red The system is booting Green blinking The system is operating normally LAN LED Indicates the operation status of the LAN of the system Indicates data sending and receiving are proceeding through the Ethernet port MEM LED Indicates whether or not the NAND memory is being accessed Off The NAND memory is not being accessed Blinking The NAND memory is being acce...

Page 25: ...estart the system Hold it down for more than seven 7 seconds to restart the system with the database reset completely J9 Port for CPLD upgrading Detail Function The detailed functions of the BMP MAIN part board are as follows Provides a LAN interface test port MII Media Independent Interface Interface UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter Provides an SIO port The SIO port can be use...

Page 26: ...e option boards can be mounted Key Functions The key functions of the BMP B8S part voice board are as follows 20 Hz ring generation DTMF Dial pulse detection On Off hook detection Tone generation Line connection part Supports the four 4 port ATRK Supports the two 2 ports for dry contact Supports a PFT port Supports the system reset port Specification The specification of the BMP B8S part voice boa...

Page 27: ... held down for less than seven 7 seconds Just restarts the system When held down for more than seven 7 seconds Clears the system database completely and restarts the system J1002 Port for CPLD fusing LOC1 An option board is mounted Mountable boards 4TRM 4DLM 4SL2 2BRM LOC2 An option board is mounted Mountable boards 4TRM 4DLM 4SL2 2BRM LOC3 An option board is mounted Mountable boards 4TRM 4DLM 4SL...

Page 28: ...r external paging two 2 ports for dry contact P1 Four 4 DLI ports for the BMP MAIN part P2 Line connector for the option board PRM 4DLM 4SL2 mounted at LOC1 of the BMP MAIN part P3 Line connector for the option board 4DLM 4SL2 mounted at LOC2 of the BMP MAIN part P4 Line connector for the BMP B8S part ATRK ports four 4 ports P5 Line connector for the BMP B8S part 8SLI ports four 4 ports P6 Line co...

Page 29: ...functions Selecting the PRI signal processing through programming A resistance circuit satisfying both T1 100 Ω and E1 120 Ω at the same time Surge protection safer than the level recommended by International Telecommunication Union ITU Output port protection through a line monitor Jitter function meeting both of the ITU T I 431 and G 703 specifications Provides the selectable line codec HDB3 AMI ...

Page 30: ... OFF E1 T1 Position3 ON 24B OFF 24B D Position4 ON Network OFF User Factory default Make sure to use User mode when connecting to the CO If the user wants to use two OS7070 systems make sure to set one system to Network mode and the other to User mode before connecting them S2 PRM board reset button J1 SIO port Connect to the J1 port if the user wants to connect SIO directly to the PRM board Pin 1...

Page 31: ...I Layer 2 is normal Off The operation of the PRI Layer 2 is abnormal LED IPC Indicates the interoperation status of the upper module On The interoperation with the BMP is normal Off The interoperation with the BMP is abnormal LED CLK Indicates the Master Slave status On The synchronization clocks are received from the opposite station Off The synchronization clocks are used as internal clocks LED ...

Page 32: ...Off hook detection Dial pulse transmission PRS function CID function Line monitoring function This function checks whether or not a line is connected and provides the service only if it is connected Specification The 4TRM voice trunk board provides four 4 trunk ports Board View The 4TRM board can be mounted as a daughter board on the BMP B8S part or E8S board There is no separate line connection p...

Page 33: ...onversion between S T interface and ISDN Oriented Modular IOM Receive timing recovery according to a specific operation mode D channel access Activation and deactivation procedures automatic wake up in power down state Specification The 2BRM digital trunk board provides four B channel and two D channel Appearance The 2BRM board can be mounted as a daughter board on the BMP B8S part or E8S board Ma...

Page 34: ...nnections Key Functions The key functions of the 4SL2 voice station board are as follows 20 Hz ring generation Dial Tone Multi Frequency DTMF Dial pulse detection On Off hook detection Tone generation Specification The specification of the 4SL2 voice station board is as follows 4SL2 board Four 4 station ports Board View Figure 2 10 4SL2 Board Table 2 11 4SL2 Board Configuration Port Description P1...

Page 35: ...n Specification The specification of the 4DLM voice station board is as follows 4DLM board Provides four 4 station ports and 1B D a voice channel and a signal channel Board View The 4DLM board is a daughter board which can be mounted on the BMP MAIN part BMP B8S part or E8S board Figure 2 11 4DLM Board Table 2 12 4DLM Board Configuration Port Description P1 100 pin Connector Connector for connecti...

Page 36: ...a line connection part for the OfficeServ 7070 system It also supports a space where three option boards can be mounted Key functions The key functions of the E8S voice board are as follows 20 Hz ring generation DTMF Dial pulse detection On Off hook detection Tone generation Line connection part Specification The specification of the E8S voice board is as follows Eight 8 analog station ports Provi...

Page 37: ... Board Table 2 13 E8S Board Configuration Port LED Description J700 Port for CPLD fusing LOC1 An option board is mounted Mountable boards 4TRM 4DLM 4SL2 2BRM LOC2 An option board is mounted Mountable boards 4TRM 4DLM 4SL2 2BRM LOC3 An option board is mounted Mountable boards 4TRM 4DLM 4SL2 2BRM J701 Line connection part P7 P8 P9 P10 E8S board connectors LOC 1 LOC 2 LOC 3 J700 J701 P10 P9 P8 P7 ...

Page 38: ...n Loc 3 of BMP board When the board is mounted be careful of the direction of the connectors Modem board is connected to OfficeServ 7070 system through V 24 interface and uses the Modem chip for central office that PCM highway interface is available In addition the Modem board supports the V 90 protocol Modem board is controlled through the serial communication type in OfficeServ 7070 and the comm...

Page 39: ...nted on the Universal slot of the OfficeServ 7070 system Figure 2 14 Regular Phone 2 4 2 Digital Phones Digital phones are used for the transmission of voice calls and data and are connected to the ports of BMP MAIN Part BMP B8S Part E8S 4DLM board mounted on the Universal slot of OfficeServ 7070 system 2 4 2 1 DS 24SE The DS 24SE phones have 24 program buttons allowing the user to register the fu...

Page 40: and receiver volumes easily using the Up Down key The user can display 32 characters on the Liquid Crystal Display LCD using the three 3 soft keys and the scroll key Figure 2 16 DS 2024E 2 4 2 3 DS 3020S With the DS 3020S phone the user can adjust the speaker and receiver volumes easily using the volume button And by using the DSS button the user can also make a call to a previously saved numbe...

Page 41: phone In addition the Universal Serial Bus USB interface sharable with a cellular phone is supported and various functions are provided through the LCD The button operation is also more convenient in comparison to other phones This is because the navigation buttons as well as the normal buttons are provided The phonebook function and the call recording function are also provided For more inform...

Page 42: ...ctions and make calls by using a handset speaker phone DS 5014D 5021D phones have the navigation buttons that allow the users to easily use the phone functions searching phone numbers by recent calling number recent called number and name setting call forwarding and an alarm and searching speed dials and connect with the KDB D S F devices For detailed information on the phones refer to User s Guid...

Page 43: ...peaker phone or use the full duplex speaker phone A variety of functions are provided through the large LCD The buttons of the ITP 5112L are convenient to operate because the ITP 5012L phone has navigation buttons as well as regular buttons Also it provides the functions of a phone book and call recording Figure 2 23 ITP 5112L ITP 5114D 5121D The ITP 5114D 5121D phone is a two line LCD digital pho...

Page 44: ...ied into the buttons on the AOM For information on the figure of each AOM or how to connect the AOM refer to the User s Guide about the AOM Figure 2 26 DS 5064B The AOMs available in OfficeServ 7070 system and phones that can be connected with the AOM are as follows Table 2 15 AOM Type AOM Type Connectable Phone DS 5064B AOM DS 5000 series digital phone DS 4014 AOM DS 4000 series digital phone DS ...

Page 45: ... phones and door open close devices to OfficeServ 7070 The line port of the door phone interface device is connected to the DLI port of OfficeServ 7070 system The door box port of the door phone interface device is connected to the line port of the door phone Figure 2 27 DPIM Reference For information on how to connect terminals such as a door phone interface device refer to OfficeServ 7070 Instal...

Page 46: ... IEEE 802 11a bandwidths simultaneously It supports the IEEE 802 11e a wireless LAN QoS standard and supports all of WEP WPA1 and WPA2 IEEE 802 11i for wireless LAN security The power for this can be supplied using the Power over Ethernet PoE switch supporting the IEEE 802 3af Figure 2 28 SMT R2000 2 5 2 Mobile Phone The SMT W5100 which is a local wireless mobile station uses the wireless LAN of I...

Page 47: ...evices below FM radio CD player Cassette tape recorder Output Resistance The speaker output resistance of FM radios CD players or cassette recorders is normally 8 Ω or 16 Ω 2 6 2 External Broadcasting Units OfficeServ 7070 is connected with external broadcasting units such as amplifiers or speakers for consumers instead of internal speakers These external broadcasting units are connected through t...

Page 48: ... The SMDR computer displays call history received from OfficeServ 7070 and calculates toll using the SMDR software based on the call history Accordingly the SMDR computer allows the users to use data more efficiently than the SMDR printer 2 6 7 CTI The Computer Telephony Integration CTI is the integrated system of computer and telephony That is the CTI interworks computers with PBXs so that the co...

Page 49: ...ted in OfficeServ 7070 system and the line ratio of the station and trunk line can be adjusted within the capacity depending on the users needs Table below shows the maximum line capacity of OfficeServ 7070 Table 3 1 OfficeServ 7070 Line Capacity Item Category Number by type Sub Total Total number Trunk Analog trunk 28 58 90 PRI trunk 30 BRI trunk 24 SIP trunk 8 8 SPNet port 8 Station Regular phon...

Page 50: installed on the BMP B8S part Eight 8 SLI ports E8S Base 4DLM Up to three 3 can be installed 4SL2 Up to three 3 can be installed 4TRM Up to three 3 can be installed PRM PRI 30 lines 4TRM ATRK 4Port 4DLM DLI 4Port 4SL2 SLI 4Port 2BRM BRI 4 lines 3 1 1 Trunk Line Capacity The maximum trunk line capacity of OfficeServ 7070 based on its configuration is shown in the table below Table 3 3 Trunk Line...

Page 51: ...umber of channels and the numbers of CID and DTMF receiver channels are shown in the table below Table 3 5 Channel Capacity of Slot Item Slot Channel Basic cabinet BMP MAIN Part Slot1 2 BMP B8S Part Slot 1 2 3 64 BMP B8S Part Slot 1 2 3 64 Expansion cabinet E8S Slot 1 2 3 64 CID Receiver For Basic cabinet 8 DTMF Receiver For Basic cabinet 8 ...

Page 52: ...trunk circuit or a standard 2500 type set loop Figure 3 1 Trunk Line Loop Start Signaling Characteristics of the ISDN Interface Transmission The electrical characteristics of the ISDN PRI interface comply with the ITU I 430 and ETS 300 012 standards Table 3 6 Electrical Characteristics of the PRI Trunk Line Category Specification Transmission speed 2048 Kbits s 50 ppm Code HDB3 High Density Bipola...

Page 53: ...n Transmission speed 100 Mbps Transmission code The 4B 5B MLT 3 4 bit 5 bit is the method used to convert and encode 4 bit data to 5 bit data in the physical layer The Multi Level Transmission 3 MLT 3 is the method used to encode the sending data into three 3 levels high middle and low Access control method CSMA CD Transmission media UTP CAT5 STP Number of the UTP pairs 2 pairs Characteristic resi...

Page 54: ...resistance of the line 600 Ω Weighted noise Less than 65 dBm Crosstalk attenuation Less than 68 dBm Frequency band 300 3400 Hz Insulation resistance More than 1 MΩ 3 2 3 Line Conditions Length for installation Regular phones Up to 1 km When the AWG 24 cable is used Digital phones Up to 400 m When the AWG 24 cable is used Door phones Up to 400 m When the AWG 24 cable is used AOMs Up to 400 m When t...

Page 55: ...m Power OfficeServ 7070 operates by AC input power or battery power PSU Power Supply Unit supplies the system with the power of 55 V 5 V and backup power of 54 V BAT Table 3 9 I O Voltage of PSU Power Supply Devices Specifications Power Supply Unit PSU Input power AC 200 240 V 3 A 50 60 Hz DC 48 V 4 A output power DC 55 V 1 7 A DC 5 V 4 A DC 54 V 0 4 A For backup ...

Page 56: ...sted by changing the values of the system database 3 4 2 Tones The output voltage and the frequency of the ring signals in OfficeServ 7070 are as follows Output voltage 75 V Frequency 20 Hz OfficeServ 7070 provides the users with various tones to notify the users of the status of functional operation and give feedback to the users The ON OFF cycles of currently specified tones are shown in the tab...

Page 57: ...5121D ITP 5112L WLAN Wireless LAN device SMT W5100 Mobile Station DSS DS 64B Digital phones DS 5000 series DS 5014D DS 5021D DS 5038D DS 5012L DS 4000 series DS 24SE DS 24D DS 2024E DS 2021E DS 3020S AOM DS 5064BAOM DS 4014AOM DS 4064AOM DS 24SE AOM DS 2024EAOM DS 3020SAOM Others DPIM door phone Compatible Terminals All the compatible terminals of iDCS 500 Premium system are available to OfficeSer...

Page 58: ...CHAPTER 3 Ошибка Используйте вкладку Главная для применения 제목 1 к тексту который должен здесь отображаться 3 10 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd This page is intentionally left blank ...

Page 59: ...STN and VoIP networking 4 1 1 Dynamic IP Address Configuration IP Phone Configuration IP phones or SIP phones registered to OfficeServ 7070 also can be operated by the dynamic allocation of IP address from the DHCP and also can set IP address manually 4 1 2 VMS Function Interoperation of the Auto attendant and Mailbox Provides the Auto attendant and mailbox functions through the VMS Notification v...

Page 60: ...oller to allow the standard SIP devices user agents specified by the RFC3261 SIP standard to interoperate with the OfficeServ 7070 s call service It operates as a proxy server to perform the routing operations for call processing requests received from an SIP device such as call setup canceling and release In addition it performs the status management for SIP devices and a smooth call service betw...

Page 61: the call forwarding target This is regardless of the status of the SIP phone 4 2 10 Busy Call Forwarding The call server always monitors the status of SIP phones through the SIP server When the Busy Call Forwarding function is enabled on an SIP phone and a call is received by it while it is busy the call is forwarded to the phone specified as the call forwarding target 4 2 11 No Answer Call For...

Page 62: ...entify the caller Flexible Numbering Plan An organization can assign an extension a mailbox or an announcement to any identification number from one to ten digits All of these resources can share the same identification numbering plan without conflict For example an organization can have in one OfficeServ 7070 Voice Mail System an extension numbered 123 a mailbox numbered 123 and an announcement n...

Page 63: ... The administrator calls the OfficeServ 7070 Voice Mail enters the administrative password and selects a new operating mode for any or all ports The new operating mode can be programmed for the circumstances or the administrator can simply record a new company greeting which explains the circumstances to callers Recordable System Prompts Although the OfficeServ 7070 Voice Mail contains all the spo...

Page 64: ...OfficeServ 7070 Voice Mail changes from the day to the night greeting automatically when the phone system changes from day to night mode Multiple additional modes may be defined for special applications Announce Hold Position If callers are allowed to hold for a busy extension the OfficeServ 7070 Voice Mail is able to intermittently inform the caller of their place in the queue Announce Hold Time ...

Page 65: ... can also set a different maximum greeting length for a different group of people For example a limit of 3 minutes can be set for a salesperson s greeting 5 minutes for the purchasing department personnel 2 minutes for the production department personnel etc Multiple Call Handling The OfficeServ 7070 Voice Mail Module can answer and process up to 8 calls simultaneously Multiple Language Support Th...

Page 66: ...inning of the next business day for a day of the coming week for Monday through Sunday for a specific date for hour and minute or until further notice Call Forwarding Forward All Calls allows a subscriber to have their incoming calls answered by an associate at another internal extension it is not used to forward calls to an external telephone number To have calls connected an external number the ...

Page 67: ...number OfficeServ 7070 Voice Mail prompts How long do you want this number to be your designated location This feature can be activated for a number of hours 1 to 9 for the end of the current business day for the beginning of the next business day for a day of the coming week for Monday through Sunday for a specific date hour and minute or until further notice Hold for Busy Station The OfficeServ ...

Page 68: ...ed can be utilized If the caller chooses to call the user the VM saves the call and plays the personal greeting through the overhead call function including the user s name and pickup code The VM then waits for the set time in which the user is expected to answer the call If the call is not answered the VM notifies the caller of it and plays the user s mailbox greeting Stored Telephone Numbers A s...

Page 69: ... are not violating any state or federal laws Some states require that the recorded party be notified Samsung Electronics is not responsible for any illegal use of this feature Auto Forward The Message Auto Forward allows messages left in one mailbox to be automatically forwarded to another mailbox if the message is not listened to The delay time before the message is forwarded is programmable betw...

Page 70: ...conversations in progress Simply press a button to record the current conversation in your mailbox or any other mailbox An optional tone with a programmable delay may be played to callers during the recording process When calls are recorded any mailbox settings that would normally effect maximum message duration are ignored Call Record utilizes the conference feature The number of people who can u...

Page 71: ... the list receives a copy The Voice Mail unique message management facilities make the process of distributing a copy to each mailbox on the list immediate even for very large lists Extended Prompting With Extended Prompting set active the Voice Mail offers all prompts for the menu the subscriber has accessed When Extended Prompting is not set active the Voice Mail offers only the name of the menu...

Page 72: ...Specific Sender or Private Messages Individual Mailbox Greeting Each mailbox has its own associated individual greeting recorded in the subscriber s mailbox owner s voice This may be changed as frequently as you desire Individual Mailbox Name Each mailbox has its own associated individual name recorded in the mailbox owner s voice Individual Mailbox Password Each mailbox has its own associated ind...

Page 73: ...essage you may fast forward 5 seconds This is useful if you are looking for a specific piece of information like a phone number Message Forward With Append Messages received in your mailbox may be forwarded to other mailboxes or lists on the system A message may be forwarded to another subscriber or distribution list by entering a destination mailbox The subscriber may record an introductory comme...

Page 74: ... applies to both new and saved messages Each time a message is saved the Retention Time is reset Only messages that have not been accessed are automatically deleted Message Recall A sent message can be canceled before the recipient checks it The messages that are sent but are not read can be returned to the sender s mailbox If a message is sent to several users the message must be returned from ea...

Page 75: ... the current new message status Multiple Subscriber Mailboxes Login Multiple subscribers may simultaneously logon to the same mailbox and access messages All mailbox functions are available to each subscriber Message playback is distributed The first subscriber logged on will hear the first message The second subscriber will first hear the second message and can access the first message after subs...

Page 76: ...ate and may not be forwarded Reply Required A message marked for delivery as Reply Required cannot be saved or deleted until the recipient performs a voice reply to the message External Caller Call When a user logs in the VM notifies him of whether or not a caller is waiting then transmits the location specified by the user If the caller is registered in the list the VM notifies the user of the ca...

Page 77: ... way to schedule the termination of a Voice Mail service relative to the time the service is set active Most of the services in the Voice Mail give subscribers greater control over their communications by providing Until Scheduling The subscriber just sets a time for the service to terminate concurrent with activating it and does not have to worry about remembering to deactivate the service in the...

Page 78: ... Automatic Setup When the Voice Mail is first installed a range of mailboxes matching the system s database is created This reduces set up time Back Up And Restore The customer database can be saved and restored at a later date This is useful in a number of maintenance scenarios Additional hardware is necessary to accomplish this Default Operation The Voice Mail is designed to be in operation as s...

Page 79: ...he talking are collected into one or more messages and they are sent to the specified recording mailbox The specified receiver of these messages checks stores and receives them with the ability to use the complete voice mail functions Because the voice form questionnaire function is a required part of the VM a list of the callers related to a voice form questionnaire is sent to a part or all of th...

Page 80: ...e connected to make an expanded voice form record 4 3 7 E mail Gate Way Function Sending Voice mails by using E mails This function enables to convert a newly incoming voice mail into a WAV file format that can be replayed in a PC and attach the voice mail to the user s E mail Notifying the arrival of voice mails by using E mails This function enables to notify the arrival of a voice mail by using...

Page 81: backed up in the system to a client PC through the web The user can Import the telephone and VM AA databases from a client PC to the system through the web Package Upload The user can upgrade the system package through the web User Information Management The user can manage the Web Management user account and password At first only the admin account exists Only an admin can add or delete a user...

Page 82: ...CHAPTER 4 Ошибка Используйте вкладку Главная для применения 제목 1 к тексту который должен здесь отображаться 4 24 SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd This page is intentionally left blank ...

Page 83: ... General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you have the freedom to distribute copies of free software and charge for this service if you wish that you receive source code or can get it if you want it that you can change the software or use pieces of it in new free programs and that you know you can do these things To protect your rights we need to make restrictions that forbid anyone ...

Page 84: ...Accompany it with a written offer valid for at least three years to give any third party for a charge no more than your cost of physically performing source distribution a complete machine readable copy of the corresponding source code to be distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange or c Accompany it with the information you receive...

Page 85: ...GES END OF TERMS AND CONDITIONS How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs If you develop a new program and you want it to be of the greatest possible use to the public the best way to achieve this is to make it free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms To do so attach the following notices to the program It is safest to attach them to the start of each source f...

Page 86: s freedom than the ordinary General Public License It also provides other free software developers Less of an advantage over competing non free programs These disadvantages are the reason we use the ordinary General Public License for many libraries However the Lesser license provides advantages in certain special circumstances For example on rare occasions there may be a special need to encour...

Page 87: ...e scope of this License However linking a work that uses the Library with the Library creates an executable that is a derivative of the Library because it contains portions of the Library rather than a work that uses the library The executable is therefore covered by this License Section 6 states terms for distribution of such executables When a work that uses the Library uses material from a head...

Page 88: ...nge any patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any such claims this section has the sole purpose of protecting the integrity of the free software distribution system which is implemented by public license practices Many people have made generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed through that system in reliance on consistent application of that system...

Page 89: ...o or phpfoo 5 The PHP Group may publish revised and or new versions of the license from time to time Each version will be given a distinguishing version number Once covered code has been published under a particular version of the license you may always continue to use it under the terms of that version You may also choose to use such covered code under the terms of any subsequent version of the l...

Page 90: ... cryptsoft com Original SSLeay License Copyright C 1995 1998 Eric Young eay cryptsoft com All rights reserved This package is an SSL implementation written by Eric Young eay cryptsoft com The implementation was written so as to conform with Netscapes SSL This library is free for commercial and non commercial use as long as the following conditions are adhered to The following conditions apply to a...

Page 91: ...ent AOM Add On Module AP Access Point AWG American Wire Gauge B BMP Basic Main Processor Board B8S Basic 8SLI C CAS Channel Associated Signaling CBQ Class Based Queuing CCS Common Channel Signaling CID Caller ID CTI Computer Telephony Integration D DC Direct Current DLI Digital Line Interface DPIM Door Phone Interface Module E E8S Extended 8 Port SLI Board EMI Electro Magnetic Interference ...

Page 92: ...GI Media Gateway Interface MII Media Independent Interface MMC Man Machine Communication Code Command MOH Music On Hold P PC Personal Computer PRI Primary Rate Interface PRM PRI Module PRS Polarity Reverse Signal PSU Power Supply Unit PSTN Public Switched Telephone Network Q QoS Quality of Service R RTP Real time Transmission Protocol S SIP Session Initiation Protocol SLI Subscriber Line Interface...

Page 93: ...d III U UA User Agent UART Universal Asynchronous Receiver and Transmitter USB Universal Serial Bus UTP Unshielded Twisted Pair V VLAN Virtual Local Area Network VMS Voice Messaging System VoIP Voice over Internet Protocol VPN Virtual Private Network W WAN Wide Area Network WLAN Wireless Local Area Network ...

Page 94: ...Ошибка Используйте вкладку Главная для применения 제목 8 표준 제목 1 к тексту который должен здесь отображаться IV SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd This page is intentionally left blank ...

Page 95: ...eserved Information in this manual is proprietary to SAMSUNG Electronics Co Ltd No information contained here may be copied translated transcribed or duplicated by any form without the prior written consent of SAMSUNG Information in this manual is subject to change without notice ...
