Carry Flag (FLAGS.7)
The C flag is set to "1" if the result from an arithmetic operation generates a carry-out from or a borrow to the
bit 7 position (MSB). After rotate and shift operations, it contains the last value shifted out of the specified
register. Program instructions can set, clear, or complement the carry flag.
Zero Flag (FLAGS.6)
For arithmetic and logic operations, the Z flag is set to "1" if the result of the operation is zero. For
operations that test register bits, and for shift and rotate operations, the Z flag is set to "1" if the result is
logic zero.
Sign Flag (FLAGS.5)
Following arithmetic, logic, rotate, or shift operations, the sign bit identifies the state of the MSB of the
result. A logic zero indicates a positive number and a logic one indicates a negative number.
Overflow Flag (FLAGS.4)
The V flag is set to "1" when the result of a two's-complement operation is greater than + 127 or less than –
128. It is also cleared to "0" following logic operations.
Decimal Adjust Flag (FLAGS.3)
The DA bit is used to specify what type of instruction was executed last during BCD operations, so that a
subsequent decimal adjust operation can execute correctly. The DA bit is not usually accessed by
programmers, and cannot be used as a test condition.
Half-Carry Flag (FLAGS.2)
The H bit is set to "1" whenever an addition generates a carry-out of bit 3, or when a subtraction borrows out
of bit 4. It is used by the Decimal Adjust (DA) instruction to convert the binary result of a previous addition or
subtraction into the correct decimal (BCD) result. The H flag is seldom accessed directly by a program.
Fast Interrupt Status Flag (FLAGS.1)
The FIS bit is set during a fast interrupt cycle and reset during the IRET following interrupt servicing. When
set, it inhibits all interrupts and causes the fast interrupt return to be executed when the IRET instruction is
Bank Address Flag (FLAGS.0)
The BA flag indicates which register bank in the set 1 area of the internal register file is currently selected,
bank 0 or bank 1. The BA flag is cleared to "0" (select bank 0) when you execute the SB0 instruction and is
set to "1" (select bank 1) when you execute the SB1 instruction.