Chapter 9 Appendix
I can’t connect to SNT-1010 using the web browser.
Check if the <Network>settings of your SNT-101 are correct.
Check if the network cables are correctly connected.
If you are using the DHCP server, check if your SNT-1010 has acquired a dynamic IP successfully.
If you are using the DDNS URL,check if the MAC address is entered correctly.
If your SNT-1010 is connected to the xDSL networks, check if the <Bandwidth>is set to 600 kbps or less.
For xDSL, the transfer rate is not so fast. So if you set the <Bandwidth> too high, the network load can crowd the
traffic, causing some delay.
If your SNT-1010 is connected to the IP sharer, check if the port forwarding properly set.
The <Viewer>, currently monitoring the image, has disconnected.
If other user changes the SNT-1010 or <Network>settings,any <Viewer>connected to it will lost the connection.
Check if the network is properly set and connected.
If your SNT-1010 is connected to the xDSL network, the Viewer can be disconnected from a possible traffic jam.
I see nothing on the screen.
For Windows 2000 users,check if the DirectX version on your PC is 8.1 or later.
On desktop, select [Start]
[Run] and type in “dxdiag” to check the DirectX version on your PC.
I couldn’t upload any image in the <OVERLAY IMAGE>page.
You can upload a maximum of 5 image files. First, check the number of images uploaded.
Only the <OVERLAY IMAGE>that has a BMP format in less than 30 KB is available.
I have entered 100 for X, and another 100 for Y as coordinate values for the
display image. But I can’t see any image on the screen.
The X and Y coordinates represent the top left position of the image on the screen.
So, if you enter 100 for both X and Y values, you will see nothing on the screen.
Adjust the X and Y coordinates to display the image and fine-tune the values as you want.
In the <OVERLAY TEXT>page, you can’t enter more than 10 characters for <Show Text>.
The product does not support more than 10 characters for text output in both Korean and English.
If I press the <Preview> button, does that mean my settings are automatically applied?
No,it doesn’t. <Preview>just shows the current image on the screen.
Make sure to press the <Apply> button before your settings can be applied.
I have clicked on a banner in the <Viewer> window but I couldn’t see any page linked to it.
First, check if the banner-linked page is currently available.
I created a new HTML page using the HTML tag editor provided by <Viewer HTML>.
But when I open the page, nothing but the error message is displayed.
First, check if the ID and Password values are properly changed.
You must change the user ID and password in advance.
I have set <M.D. Function> to <Enable> in the <MOTION DETECTION>menu. However,
even if my camera detects any motion, it doesn’t transfer the jpg file to FTP/SMTP.
Follow the instructions below to check your settings.
a. The NTP is correctly set.
b. For the two <VIDEO SOURCE> values, one is set to MPEG and the other to MJPEG.
c. The <M.D. Function> is set to <Enable>.
d. The <Alarm Image Transfer > is set to <ON>.
e. Check if it works properly on the scheduled time.
Can I adjust the <Motion Area> setting if the <M.D. Function> is set to <Disable>?
Yes,you can. You can set the <Motion Area>, regardless of the availability of the motion detection function.
I have pressed the <Apply> button in the <Motion Area> window but the image does
not disappear.
You must press the <Close>button so that the <Motion Area>window disappears.
You don’t need to open a new <Motion Area> window to change the settings.
A motion event occurred. But no alarm makes any sound.
First, check if you have set the alarm output port correctly.
The PTZ button is not activated in the <Viewer> window.
First,check the settings of <SETUP>
If the <Protocol> is set to <None>, the PTZ button will not be activated.