Call Functions
Call Functions
Call Waiting
Call Waiting lets you receive a second call during
conversation. Your phone notifies you of a call waiting
by beeping an displaying “Call Waiting.”
Your phone provides the option of turning the Call
Waiting feature on and off (if you have subscribed to the
service). Call Waiting is on by default in the phone. If
you choose to have a undisturbed conversation, simply
turn off the feature for the current call.
N o t e
: Contact your service provider to activate the Call
Waiting serv i c e .
To answer a waiting call:
1. To answer the call, press
. The phone connects
the calling party, and places the current party on hold.
2. Press
again to switch between two parties.
N o t e
: If you do not respond to a Call Wa i t i n g
notification, the phone will forw a rd the call to voicemail
or another number that you have set up. Contact your
s e rvice provider for more information.
Call Forwarding
This feature provides the option of forwarding incoming
calls to another phone number, even while your phone is
off. Activating Call Forwarding does not affect outgoing
calls made from this phone. Contact your service
provider to activate Call Forwarding.
Three-Way Calling
This feature enables you to conduct conference calls
with two separate parties at the same time. The phone
records each party into the Outgoing Calls Log. Also,
You are billed airtime for each outgoing call separately.
N o t e :
Contact your service provider to activate Thre e -
Way Calling.
To place a Three-Way call:
1. During a conversation, press
. The phone places
the other party on hold.
2. Enter the phone number for the third party, and then
. The phone dials the third party.
3. When you are connected to the third party, press
again to begin your three-way call.
If one of the callers (not you) hangs up, you and
remaining caller stay connected. If you initiated the call
and you hang up first, all three parties are disconnected.