2. Product specifications
Voice Recognition
Screen Menu → Smart Features → Voice Recognition
Voice Recognition lets you access and control specific functions of the TV using voice commands.
Press the
button to run Voice Recognition.
Say a command.
Basic Voice Recognition Use
Press the VOICE button to run Voice Recognition. Say a command. You can use Voice Recognition to operate the TV.
Moving the Focu
s : Say "Focus Left", "Focus Right", "Focus Up", or "Focus Down" to move the focus.
Select Item
: Say "Select".
: Say "Previous".
Available Voice Commands
: Say "Guide me". A list of basic voice commands available in the current state is
shown. With the list displayed on the screen, say "Other Commands". This displays the complete list of voice
commands available in the current state.
All Voice Commands
: Say "Guide me" and then "Other Commands". This displays the list of all voice commands
available in the current state. Say "Show all Commands" to display a complete list of voice commands by category.
Say the name of a category.