URP-SU110 Quick Reference Guide
5.5 Removing Program
Only user-installed programs can be removed. Basic pre-installed programs cannot be
1. Go to Start-Settings-Control Panel and run “Remove Program.”
2. Select the program to remove and press “Remove” button.
5.6 Running Application Program
To select an application program, go to “Start-Programs.” If there is program icon on desktop,
you can simply select the icon to run the program.
5.7 Using Task Bar
Task Bar shows programs that are currently run and basic information, such as clocks. There
also is Start Menu that can be opened up to run various programs.
Fig 26. Task Bar
5.8 Using Command Bar
Generally, programs have command bar, work window, and Task Bar. Command bar includes
menus and the tool bar that can run various functions in each program. It also has Close
button that ends the program.
Fig 27. Command Bar