CHAPTER 10. System Management
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10.3.2 Retrieving and Configuring Threshold
If each resource of the system exceeds its configured threshold, there occurs an alarm.
The APC helps an operator check and configure each threshold.
Configuration using CLI
To check each threshold, use the below command.
show system threshold cpu: CPU load (%)
show system threshold memory: Memory usage (%)
show system threshold disk: Disk usage (%)
show system threshold fan: Fan RPM level
show system threshold temp: Retrieves system temperature (°C).
To change a threshold related to CPU load or memory usage, enter the command as
system monitor cpu threshold [THRESHOLD]: Configures the CPU load threshold.
system monitor memory threshold [THRESHOLD]: Configures the memory usage
Threshold to configure (%)
Configuration using Web UI
In the menu bar of <WEC Main window>, select <Administrator> and then select the
<Trap Control>
<Alarm Threshold> menu in the sub-menus.
You can retrieve and configure a threshold at which CPU load, disk usage, temperature
alarm, memory usage, or fan alarm occurs. Enter a value for each item, and click the
button to make the configuration applied.
Figure 274. Configuring SNMP alarm threshold