CHAPTER 7. WLAN Additional Services
© SAMSUNG Electronics Co., Ltd.
page 333 of 689
7.5 Location Tracking
The APC tracks the location information of several terminals in a wireless LAN network
based on the wireless data collected from W-EP wireless LAN APs.
To configure the location tracking function, execute the command as follows:
Configures Location Tracking
1) Go to configure
locationtrack configuration mode of CLI.
WEC8500# configure terminal
WEC8500/configure # locationtrack
WEC8500/configure/locationtrack #
2) Configure the location tracking function.
WEC8500/configure/locationtrack # enable
Configures Location Tracking Scan
1) When applying the location tracking scan information to the APC, the method varies
according to type. A method of applying the scan information can be selected using the
following command.
scan-result-type [TYPE]
- 0: Applies scan information to all channels
- 1: Applies AP information using the same SSID
- 2: Transmits the previously scanned information first and
then applies the scan information to all channels
- 3: Transmits the previously scanned information first and
then applies the AP information using the same SSID
- 4: Transmits the previously scanned information only
2) The maximum number of APs belonging to the APC, which is to be applied with the
location tracking scan information, can be specified using the following command.
num-req-ap-list [NUM]
NUM (range: 1-500)