Samsung Electronics
MP3 is one of file extension like .hwp, .wav, .txt used in computer.
Exactly, it is the abbreviation of MPEG Audio Layer-3.
Origin of MP3
MPEG is Motion Pictures Expert Group and is a standard made by experts in this area under inter-
national standard organization like ISO(International Standard Organization) and IEC(International
Electric Committee). It is technical standard of compressing and transmitting video and audio sig-
nals and recovering them again.
The first specification that MPEG made is MPEG-1 in 1988. It is the technology used to produce
video CD. MP3 means the audio compression part among specification of MPEG-1(1995). MPEG-2
is used together with MPEG-1. AAC(Advanced Audio Coding or MP4) receives attention with its
excellent digital audio and is derived from MPEG-2. MPEG-4(lastests standard on movie compres-
sion for conference communication) is being established.
MP3 is most widely used and called "MPEG Audio Layer-3", which is version up from Layer-1 and
Layer-2. In general, it is called MP3 since Layer-1 has compression rate of 1:4, Layer-2 of 1:61:8,
Layer-3 of 1:101:12.
Using MP3 technology, up to 100 songs(7 hours) can be contained in one copy of empty CD of
Transition of Portable Player
1-2. MP3 Overview