SRG-1150DN / SRG-1250DN / SN-100
2.4 DSC(Digital Selective Calling) W/K RECEIVER
o Frequency
2187.5, 4207.5, 6312, 8414.5, 12577, 16804.5kHz
o Scanning reception
Scanning reception of above frequencies is continued
up to 2 seconds for each frequency and stop only
when detects a 100 baud dot pattern.
o Type of emission(Rx)
F 1B
o Receiving sensitivity
Character error rate is 1× 10
- 2
or less at receiving input
voltage 1㎶.
o 1 signal selectivity
6dB bandwidth : 270Hz - 300Hz
30dB bandwidth : within ± 380Hz
60dB bandwidth : within ± 550Hz
o Frequency Stability
within ± 10Hz
With a wanted signal of 10㎶ and an 31.6㎷ zero
modulated interference signal which excludes the range
within 750Hz of the wanted signal, the character error
rate is 1× 10
- 2
or less.
o Spurious emission
The power of emission from air antenna terminal is
4000㎼ or less.
o Nominal input load
50 ohm unbalanced
o Continuous Transmitting Period
50 sec.
o Frequency and Deflection
Within 1300Hz ± 1.5%
Within 2200Hz ± 1.5%
o Each Alarm for long & Error
250ms ± 50ms
o Alarm Intervals
o Amplitude Rates of Alarm
Less than 1.2